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Show "Pneumonia's Deadly work has so seriously allcclcd my right lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Rural Route 1. Georgetown, Tcnn , that I couched continuously nleht and day and tho neighbors' prediction .consumption seemed .Inevitable, until un-til my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, which in my case proved to be the only ukal cougti cure and restorer of weak, sote lungs." When all oilier remedies utterly fall, j ou may still win In the battle agalnstlung and throat troubles with New Discovery, tho ukal cure. Guaranteed by Ulter ikos. Drug Co. A COc. and $1 00. Trial bottle free Don't Put orr for tomorrow whatou can do today. If you put oil buying a bottle of Mallard's Mal-lard's Snow Liniment, when that pain comes you won't have any, buy a bottle today. A positive cure for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Contracted Muscles, etc. T. S. Graham, Gra-ham, Prairie Grove, Ark.; writes: "I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Liniment. It positively cured mo of Rheumatism alter all others had failed." Sold by Rlter Uros Drug Co. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis arc those who aro habitually constipated. Orlno Laxative Fruit Svrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating tho liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Sjrup does not nause- ate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take Refuse substitutes For sale by all druggists Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tai Cures all Coughs, and expot Colds from Uis system byaently mo vino Ve bowels- County Officers. A M.Israolsui. Clim, ltd. Commissioners .1. C. Knowlts, Commissioner. OcorceGodfriy, Commissioner T. ll.t-mlili. MurllT. Joslieph Larsin. Clerk. John I' Toolscn. Treasurer f-srali Merrill. Htcordtr. nuecnoFcliaub. punejor. Martin Olsen. Assessor. A. A. I.aw, Altomii. J. I,. McCarros. -not. of 'cliools II. 1C. Merrill. County l'luslilan. Niels It Ilroliy. 1'rultTno Inspector Ivtr Mtlsm, I Ish and Gamo Commlssnr Justice of the Peace Avon Samuel llankliead Iilclimoml-Wmll 11111 Logan Win Ilrangliain. VAilNvllle-Samuell'Ilall 111 rum James I. Jensen Cove lllo Hllas S I.arS.11 ProvUknco C P Hansen BmlthflUd-Samuel Nelson. ITrtnton-AJIIIU College John Politnk Mcndon Andrew Addition l'aradlso John McMurdlo Mlllvlle James A Hoiy Clarknton lame.sll Jardlno lljdo Park- J, W Hamons OTIinKS HAVH NOT QUALIFIELD. Wlieekr-I-oran VV. Matin Constable. Avon Abo 1'ridrlckton lllilimond-O 1' Clirlsti usi n Loiran-Oionro I 1'arniH Covovlllo-Not Quallllelil A Ptovldencu-O M Hammond Z& Hyde Park J W Pt-rkis Stnlthllold-Wm, I'llkliigton Ttenon-Not CJuulllle.l Colleire Lovcnus Olson Mtndon-.Iosi I'll H. llardman Lowlston-Sanmil It Knit Newton John Hansen lis rum-It II McfurUno Ileiison-Jolm W lUeso Paradlfco-Cliarlisl'iari'" OTIIHRS IIAVD NOT QUALIFIED. WUUvlllo-Dalvd W Jones - f siBHBasBBBBsasjaaBBBBBSsBSBBBBSsssBaaBssasasasBBBi fchy liavo a tordlcl liver when llerblne, tho only liver regulator will help jou? There is no reason why jou sliou'd suf-from suf-from Djspepsla, Constipation, Chills and fever or any liver complaints when Herblno will cure jou, F. C. Walte, Westvllle, Fla., writes: "I was sick foi a month with chills and fever and after.taking two bottles of llerblne ller-blne am well and healthy." Sold by Rlter Ihos. Drug Co. Good Remedy for Earache. Hero Is a remedy for earache never known to fall: "Take a bit of cotton batting, put upon It a pinch of black popper; gather It up and tie It; dip in sweet oil and insert In tho ear. Put a ilannol bandago over tho head to keep It warm It will glvo Imrao-dlato Imrao-dlato relief Just Because your cough Is only In tho throat and does not troublo you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When It has not had much of a start Is tho tlmo to check It. The slightest cough cully leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and Consumption, A bottlo of Ballard's Bal-lard's Ilorehound Syrup will euro that cough. The price puts it within reach of ajl, Sold by Biter Bros. Drug Co. 0 Are you reading this? I mMh Hvl Of course you aie, and so will hundreds, per- j M 1 Kr vfflPlv ,laps ll,0Sil"ds of otlier-s. YOUR ad would F M i cSpVVJVV' be read here don't you think? If you have k -H i wRiWjW'TM anything to tell the people, why uot try these fl i W yLm) columns? It doesn't cost much. Ring- up K 'S The'Republican and we'll tell you about it. f 1H L, .. Jt I CITY DIRECTORY I j 1 II SFXIUST MANAGER Cache Valley Livery Co.... Livery Feed and Tiansfer Stable. Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial Trade j Solicited Stables rear of Kagle Ilotel I Entrance 1st North Street. Hell office nhone 58; Intl. office phone 11 Hell res phone C9. LOGAN, - - UTAH. Robert Whitmer Tin and Locksmith. Roofing and guttering a specialty. Work done on sbort nollcc Movts repaired Bell Phone 3fi5y. 52 W. First North John A. Sneddon Attorntyat-Uw. 0cr 1st National Rink Estates Probated .. General Law Practice Jos. Wilson & Son Brais and Iron Founders. t3erMacblnlsts, machinery repairing of all kind done: we loslthely manufacture the best and cheapest swhel for bar derricks ever placed on the market William Bowen LIvtryandFtcdStablts. Livery and baireare promptly attended io connections made with all trains com-- com-- trade solicited. Tirst West street, Loean. Utah Peterson & Sons. The Painters. Gold sluns, window lettering, card signs pictorial sltrns. painted bulletin, wall (11s- Slays, General palming of all kinds In up-to-atu manner. All work guaranuid. bliop South Main street J. Z. Stewart Jr. Attorney-at Law. Fstates probated, collections, general law practice. I.oean Utah Nebeker, Hart & Nebeker Lawjers Suite i and 6 commercial block Logan. Utah 'Phone TO. po box 54 Logan Elevator Isaac Jorgensen. Prop. Dealer In all klndsot grain and seeds) car-shipments car-shipments a specialty. 1M K 2nd south phone lUx James T. Hammond Aitorney and Attornev-at-Law. Rooms 315-310 McCornlck Bile, Salt Lake City, Utah. FRED J. HOLTON, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office at Itoom S3 I Irst National Hank llulldlne, Ilrlg-barn Ilrlg-barn City Utah, Telephone 31, Lock llox "l U. O. M. & B. Co. Lumber Dealers. perpioorlnr. celling, rustic, lath, doors sash, mouldings, locks, hinges, nails, bolts builders hardwaro and palntsi Geo Cole, Mgr Vhono 48 P O box S02 James C. Walters ATTORNEY-AT-UW. Onion Block 75 North Main Street H. A. Pedersen & Co. 8EAL ESTATE, LOANS.INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS Tried, True and Reliable. Office over first National Hank, Logan, Dt Postofflce Uox !t3. Phono 163 X Correspondence In any Language answered Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. Tithing Office corner, logan, Utah has plenty of MONF.Y AT ALL TIMES for. .. . FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged O.W. Lindquist Undertaker k Embalmer. 'phone-office 127i phone residence 3.'U John Bench Dry Goods Groceries, and Notions S32 south main Palace Meat Market. Rust & Reading, Props. Prlmolbicf. Mutton. Pork. Veal etc eti t3iyGamoand Poultry Inkcason WWtstCi nti r street Real estate, loans, Insurance Wo loan money on most favorablo terms sell farms and cltj property and write Insurance In-surance In Utah and Idaho. J. Z. Stewart, Manager. J. W. BARRETT Architect. Plans, and pc:lflcatlons furnish on short notice P. O llox 143 office 'r.7 North 1 Irst Tast stleet Phone Indepindtnt l"Sa IIlIIWx John Thomas Merchant Tailor, KWLeadlng tailor of northern Utahi cal at lils new hUiro No. "0 west Istnortl A fine- line of Pall and Winter samplei o buttings for Inspictlon Logan Utah Odell Photo Studio Family Groups a Specialty. HTPortralts enlarged In crayon, Indli Ink, pastel and wattr colors Main and center streets, Logan, Utah Joseph Tarbet The Plumber. tWOrdcrs executed, satisfaction guaran teed on short notice 140 N Main street, Logan, Lo-gan, Utah Logan Steam Laundry 46 Weil 1st North. I'lrst-class efficient work done on short notice I family washes a specialty! satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. Phone Ills Q. Ruchti Merchant Tailor. Ladles and Gents Clothlnpof all kinds neatly cleaned and lepalrcd. 71 West 1st North. W i: S L K Y .1 A C Q V i: S M Barber Shop 9 and Bath Rooms m U'c employ none but experienced H llarbcrs, thus ensuring the jH Rest of Service. 1 Ku'iHlHnK clean and Up-to-date. 11 U'c solicit jour patronage and SH will do our best to jH please you. H RASEMKNT THATCHER HANK H. D. HANSEN I Practical M Shoemaker H McndltiK done liort rotlce "H Our aim is to satisfy our patrons, bo that their trade will continue with us iH Shop on West 1st North M Logan Lumber Yard, JjA Dealers In lumber, Doors, Sash and Mouldl'g? JH Shop work done on short notice. M licll l'hotic 1447 1,07 V nth South. f Hlmku Johnson, Mrt iH LOGAN JUNK SHOP I lirlnp all scrap iron, metal, bottles IH rans and rubbers, hides and bees wax, H for which we will pay the highest (H cash price Ind phono 337 Hell phono HH 146 South Main St. S Affleck Machine B Shop. H Go to AMleck's Machine Shop and Foundry for Iron and Brass Castings 11 and all kinds of machine repairs, 150 il K. 1st South St. Opposite Central H mills. Wm. Alllcck, Prop fH |