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Show ! D? PRICE'S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD is prepared under the personal supervision of Dr. V. C. Price,1 whose name as a manufacturer of pure food products is national. nation-al. No breakfast food can compare com-pare with it, as it contains all - the elements found in the body. 10 cents a package. ' Fop salo by all Grocers Furniture Repaired Upholstering a Specialty... Our Work is Guaranteed. Logan Second Hand Store 24 W. 1st Slreet North. Phones KM. N. P Johnson, Proprietor. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Dlgaato what you oat. WHY NOT GET THE BEST? -sa c Klve jou tho bet at HALT uliat other dentMs eliau'u. ini-auw wo bellovo In dolntr 5r -fc niore work, ami worklnit for a urealir number of iieoplo with leti Individual cot. without py-jgiail lobblnir anyone. TEETH EXTRACTED POSITIVELY WITIIOPT PAIN. I'reo Willi H fflHfifl"Sj9Rfc, i,lale" OUR MOTTOi Honest work, fair dealings make our success HB Ta?3 Our prices within the , each or everyone. BK, ' n of T-eth (Host Ited Iiubber) S7 fluid I'IUUiks . mil TmT sWftli i W I. li00 'vctifor. . 5 llveraiiUAmlitnl'llUnirs .. 75cl WmlWJm&B)UL.V0mV llrldiwWorU. Ilest ss Cement rniltiifi 5cl &ffljffla&WfE&m ra Crowns, li K . SS Porcelain nillnirs SB WwIrmm l2 Years Protective Guarantee. FrcSnd'nSl"c""" WtM HaLR52t2l St " bbw MjAWk tf Mu Park City Utah XJkfi Ifl YrKZWmmW 9 4BkKJ8k mi Openun.MGJp.nl. Sunday, .0.0 2 NjjJgKSi' Dr. Zimmerman, Manager. Lady Attendant. Both Phones. mwiiJiP I Beware of New Methods I of working off OLD STOCK at higher prices than New Pi- i jj anos an Organs are worth. This is a pointer for you. $ The Hobbs Music Co has no old stock on hand. It has & TjX M Pianos in stock, 12 of which arrived ten days ago. The IE m $ others are a part of a shipment received less than three months jf iil ago. Our Prices are RIGHT. Don't buy ANY piano $ or Organ until you have seen the Hobbs line ? and learned his prices. Be fair to Yourself. 1 Hobbs Music (Bo. I At if, tfi. ii it ifi. ifi. ii i'i iAi i i'i, i'i i't iti. Ji ii ii I'i, ii Ai i'i ii ii ii i4 ii ii. it ifi, ii it i'i it it it it it it The Flower Store I 45 S. Alain St., Logan. f-Lm yjJg A I.SO have seeds that wow. We Lm9 have not been in the business 'km long enough to have any 01. 1) slock. Our jM seeds are all Xew, Fresh stock and conse- H quently MUST GROW. lkm If this is not ' "XufSaid" call on us j M and get any additional information desired. M jH Till'. FLOW I. R STORF j jt Ben). Lar lisle, Mir. 1 H The Cautious Borrower exercises care H not only In Hie manner of Ills bonowln, but In the selection of the 9 H place. The terms and conditions of our loaning aro such as to make H them acceptable lo all nood borrowers. Wo arc prepared to make a larj,'c number of LOAN'S, ANY SIZE, )m from $100.00 to $0,000.00. jH The FIRST NATIONAL BANK M LOGAN, UTAH. , H i Immm Now is the Time m and This is the Place H to buy Rakes, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Shovels, Picks, Pruning Shears SH and Saws, Staples, Nails, Tacks, Poultry Nettintr, Hrooms, Whitewash IH llrushcs, etc., etc. We carry everything In tM HARDWARE 9 Cutlery and CnrpcnteiV Tools Our quality l kcoI and we guaiantec i our prices as hithcito to be the very lowest We can save jon mono, Itl sure. You have only In call to be convfnerd. IH R. La fount & (Bo. 38 Center Street. UA TWmmrTTttmTlWmmmWIttmWmTnmMWnmTnWWnTnnSTm "' Pl"i A Ti JBMTlJiBfiif1 1 'ilr'TJ 1 T i fli"fiT7MilTT t H In the Matter of 9 Jeweky M Amm It Is Kcncially conceded tliat wc have the most attractive assortment U to be seen anywhere In town .lust now we have an unusually line va- B rlcty of tings In the latest designs that will Insuic suiting any tasto ' IH or pleasing any fancy. j H In the matter of watch chains, too, there Isn't any doubt about ll our suiting everyone's requirements Our laigc and varied line of i ll Simmons Watch and Lorgnette Chains represent the llncst pioduct of , W the foremost chain nnnufacturcrs in all A met lea i B CARDON JEWELRY CO., Logan, Utah 1 """' i iiiiiijiiiii.itjjiimpiiiirimunilMluililLljraiBlMli j HJ I Dot you want to I M Double Yout Income I Then Plant the SEEDS I I ITHAT GROW... 1 'Nut Said, Smurthwaite's Seed Store, Center Street 1 H Always Up-to-date and Fresh Stocks. 1 Vfl I Naturopathic Institute, fe S I The best method of curlngany I'',S" Stv S HVJ Acute of Chromic Disease or )y v ilPi. tt HH1 Had Habit is by removing the W jm E H cause through somo Physical, Wjjwifl' mwx& u 1 Mental or Psychic method which V !?. 3 M is harmless but sure. WPvxi IH . Try Naturopathy and leirn ss'fMVti'AMimmw fl IH that you can get cured from any i''AT iWVfoik.i B Hfl I Dlseaso or Had Habit without ' ZcMMfJlt I Immm I taking Poisonous Drug Mediclno ilKymmn'fMPk I H 1 or often undergoing a useless lmmWmhlfMivn.n, I HH g but fatal opeiatlons. 'f$twi I firWTW 'H J. F. PETUITSCII, Ps. D N D H'WtKf ImWj I I lkW 42 South Main Street i7765 ? I flill I Ilcll Phone 12'J fltf 1444? rvr' 1 H ""7rl:1 " niiniiMinmimimiiii.iuijiim.- jLmmmmn-.T- . rrtlfm jiH |