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Show Bl Notice to Public. j Notice Is hereby given that the Hi County Commissioners of Cache Conn- H ty, Utah, will on the lfUh of A prll,lU07, Hv' hear protests why an order should not Hr be made granting the petition for the V Incorporation of the tout) of Paradise. H liy order of the board of County Com- B tnlsstoncrs made April i', 1007. HBJj Jusut'ii S. Lai:.sbn, Clerk. Judge White cotton, of Provo, and Dr. Condon, of Ogden, have been named as members of the Board of Trustees of the A. C. of U. ft wC - ' i , j -w lr Grand Opening Ball at the Logan Amusement Hall o Saturday Night, April 13th. H J Thatcher Opera House Orchestra in Attendance. I I Tickets 50c. Ladies Free. The Public is 1 Cordially Invited. The New Amusement Hal! 1 50 South First West, Largest Floor Space in Northern Utah. I I The Cache Valley Tea Company Hi is DETERMINED to keep its record These prices hardly more tliau pay the 9jfe IHP of selling more DISHES than all deal- "Just Think Of freight. That is the reason we do the Hf ers here combined. The reason oi our q pjeQe J)innep SetS at - - - $2.85 Dish blisiuess of C Valley J , H large business is not because we carry -,v - a. w " t-""' Be sure and see our Sprinc arrival of r fh: !arscst aild T1 C01uPkt? ?. 50 piece Nicely Decorated Dinner Set $3. 90 beautiful VaseS, an kinds of Giossi S 2; but because we make you much lower e?f rfcr -3 Ckfh ,,.,,.. M J prices than it is possible for any other U Dainty &Cf.yU and beautiful China at lower prices m I dealer to do. UO " French Ware Dinner Set $3.85 than ever before. J K ! gv - CACHE VALLEY TEA CO., ?&&&.? LOGAN, UTAH H v. aoeeeoeoeii(cfc:oeic0 HI' |