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Show "Pneumonia's Deadly work lias so seriously affected ray right lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Rural Route 1. Georgetown, Tcnn , that I couched contlntiouslynlghtand day and the neighbors' prediction-consumption prediction-consumption seemed inevitable, until un-til my husband brought home a bottle of-Dr. King's New Discovery, which In my case proved to bo the only ukai. cough cure and restorer of weak, sore lungs." When all other remedies utterly fall, jou may stl'.l win In the battle agalnst.lungand throat troubles with New Discovery, the hkal cure. Guaranteed by Rltor liros. Drug Co A 50c. and $1 00. Trial bottle free. Don't Put Off for tomorrow what you can do today. If you put off buying a bottle of Hal-lard's Hal-lard's Snow Liniment, when that pain comes you won't have any, buy a bottlo today. A positive euro for Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Contracted Muscles, etc. T. S. Ora-ham, Ora-ham, Pralrlo Grovo, Ark.; writes: "I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Liniment. It positively cured mo of Rheumatism alter all others had failed." Sold by Rlter Rros Drug Co. Kow to Avoid Appendicitis. Most, victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of tho bowels. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nause- ato or gripe nnd Is mild and plca'ant IP to take Refuse substitutes For sale by all druggists Kennedy- a Lax&tive Koney and Tar Cures all Cougna, and xpoi Colds from t&s system by oeotly movlnu Ve bowels. MisssBaBaEssnaEsaasBBSBassaBsaaBssBSSBBBi County Officers. A. M. IsracUon. Clira. Ild. Commissioners J. C. ICnowlu-i, Commlsslsner. Oconto Godfrey. Commissioner. T. H.Sralth. Sheriff. .loslicph Lateen. Clork. John P Toolson. Treasurer. Parah Merrill. Hocordcr. Eugene Sehaub. Surveyor. Martin Olson, Assessor. A, A. Law, Attorney. J. L. McCarrev. Supt. of Schools. II. K. Merrill, County Physician. NIeN It. rtroby, 1'rultTreo Inspector. Ivcr Nielsen. I'lsli and Oamo Commlssnr. Justice of the Peace Avon Samuel HanKhead Illclimond-Wm II 11111 Logan Wni, llranelnvm. IWellsvllle-Samuel 1' Hall llyrura James L Jensen Covovlllo Ellas S Larscn Provldonco E 1' Hansen Smltlifleld damuol Nelson. Trenton-A J Hill Cjlleire John Bchonk Mendon Andrew Addcrson I Paradise John McMurdlo Mlllvllo James A Hovey Clarkston James II, Jardlno H Hydo Park- J. W. Seamons S OTHERS HAVE NOT QUA LI FIELD. Wheeler Luran W. Marlci. Constable. g Avon Abo I'rcdrlclcion 9 lUchmond-0 I' Chrlstcnscn Logan Oeoree I Tarnes I A Covorlltcc-Not0.ua)ltleld E i kWJ l'rovldcnco 0 M Hammond D Hydo 1'ark-J. W. l'crkt'i Smlthtluld-Wm, Pllklnt'ton B Treiion-Not Qualllled B College Loveuus Olsen iMemlon Joseph II. llardman LowUton Samuel II Kent Nowton John Hansen Hyrnm-ll 11 McI'arUno I Ilenson-John V Ileeso I I'aradlso-Cliarlesl'cari'o I OTHERS HAVE 1 NOT QUALIFIED. Wclunlllo-Dalvd w Jones BBSSBSaBBBSBSBSSBBBSBSaSSBSBBBSBSSBBSSBSBSBSl jl Why have a tordld liver when Hcrblne, the only liver regulator will help jou? There Is no reason why jou shou'd suf-from suf-from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chills and fever or any liver complaints when Ilerblno will cure you. F. C. Waltc, Westvllle, Fla , writes; "I was sick for a month with chills and fever 'nnd after taking two bottles of Her-blue Her-blue am well and healthy." Sold by Rltcr Hios. DrugCo. Just Because your cough is only In tho throat and does not troublo you now, don't think that it needs no attention. When It has not had much of n start Is the tlmo to check It. The slightest cough caMly leads to I'neumonla, Bronchitis, and Consumption. A bottlo of Ballard's Bal-lard's Ilorehound Syaip will euro that cough. Tho prlco puts It within reach of all. Sold by Rlter Bros. Lrug Co. : v JBT', Are you reading this? I flVr BBtfefl Of course you arc, and so will hundreds, per- ; H lS7iWn liapS lhousa"ds of others- Y0UR ad would I M v) 3HKff 'm'fji ifcwl bc reatl lierc don,t you think? If you have H f WvTijT rAuilu anything to tell the people, why not try these H i (mm W'lvlSOiiim columns? It doesn't cost much. Ring-up K H it The Republican and we'll tell you about it. r H CITY DIRECTORY I , 1 II SKCRIST MAN A (IKK. Cache Valley Livery Co.... Livery Feed and Transfer Stable Uus Meets all Trains. Commercial . Tiade v- Solicited Stables rear of Kagle Hotel Entrance 1st North Street. Hell office phone OS; Ind. office phono 11 Hell res phone CO. LOGAN, - - UTAH. Robert Whitmer Tin and Locksmith. Hooting and guttering a specialty. Work dono on short nollcc, Flors repaired. Hell Phono 3nsy 52 W. First North. John A. Sneddon Attorncyat-Law. Over 1st National Hank. Est&tes Probated General Law Practice Jos. Wilson & Son ?Brass and Iron Founders. tVllaclilnlsts. machinery repairing of Ml kind dono: we positively manufacture, the best and cheapest swhel for bay derrick ever placed on the market. William Bowen Lhtryar.d FftdStaMcj. Livery and bairiratro promptly attended io connections made with all trains com-- com-- trade solicited. l'Irst West street. Loean. Utah Peterson & Sons. The Palmers. Ooldslens. window lettering, card signs, pictorial bltrns. painted bulletins, wall 01s- Slays. General painting of all kind In up-to-ato manner. All work guaranteed, bhou Pouth Main street J. Z. Stewart Jr. Attorney-aPLaw. Estates probated, collections, general law practice. Logan Utah Nebeker, Hart & Nebeker Lawyers. Suite i and 6 commercial block Logan. Utah 'Phono 70. po box U Logan Elevator Isaac Jorgensen. Prop. Dealer lu all Ulndsof grain and seeds i car-shipments car-shipments a specialty. 1M K !nd south phono lMx James T. Hammond Attorney and Altorney-at-Law. Rooms 315-310 McC'ornlck Illk, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Lincoln Hotel Mrs. Hanks, Propr Commercial trado solicited Center street Logan. P O nox 419 'Phono Hi U. O. M. & B. Co. Lumber Dealers. tvrioorlng, celling, rustic, lath, doors, sash, mouldings, locks, hinges nails, bolts, builders hardware and paints; Geo Cole. Mgi Phono 10 V 0 box SFi James C. Walters ATTORNEY-AT-UW. Union ntock 75 North Main Street H,.A. Pedersen & Co. HEAL ESTATE, LOANJ.INJURANCE. COLLECTIONS Tried, True and Reliable. Office over First National Hank. Loiran, Ut PostoQco Box 3&3. Phono 183 X I Correspondocka In acr Language answered Utah Mortgage Loon corporation. Tithing Office corner, Logan, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commissions Commis-sions charged Q.W. Lindquist Undertaker & Embalmer. phono-nnico I2?r 'phone residence 3k John Bench Dry Goods Urocerlcs. and Notion -G south main Palace Meat Market. Rust & Reading, Props. Prlmo'btef, Mutton, Pork, Veal. itc. ctf pyOamoand Poultry In season. H Vet,t Center street. Real estate, ioans, Insurance Wo loan money on most faoralle terms, sell farms and city proncrty and wrlto Insurance In-surance In Utah and Idaho, J, Z. Stewart, Manager. J. W. BARRETT Architect. I'lans, and Specifications furnish on short notice I. . Ilox 415. Oflicu K7 North l'Irst East stleet I'hono Independent 178a Hell Ux John Thomas Merchant Tailor, fr'Leadlng tailor of northern Utalu call at his new store No, 70 west 1st north A fine lino of Tall and Winter samples o Suitings for Inspection. Logan Utah Odell Photo Studio Family Groups a Specialty. peTortraltJ enlargid In crayon. India Ink, pastel and water colors Main and center streets, Logan, Utah Joseph Tarbet The Plumber. py"Ordcrs executed, satisfaction guaran teed on short notice 110 N Main street. Logan, Lo-gan, Utah Logan Steam Laundry 46 West 1st North. First-class efllclcnt work dono on short notice i family washes a spcclaltyi satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. I'hono Hit Q. Ruchti Merchant Tailor. Ladies and Gents Clothing of all kinds neatly cleaned and lepalred. 71 West 1st North. W V. S L E Y JACQU E R H Barber Shop I and Bath Rooms H We employ none but Experienced H llarbcrs, thus ensuring tho B liest of Service. H Everything clean and Up-to-date. H We solicit your patronage and H will do our best to H please you. H 13ASEM ENT THATCHER HANK H H. D. HANSEN Practical H Shoemaker H Mending done hort notice. Our aim Is to satisfy our patrons, so H that their trade will continue with us. H Shop on West 1st North M Logan Lumber Yard, H Dealers In lumber, Doors, Sash and Mouldl-gs M Shop work done on short notice.- H Ih'll Phone 144. 157 W. fall South. H Ki.MKii Johnson, Mgr. FRED J. HOLTON, H DISTRICT ATTORNEY. H Aitorney nnd Counsellor at Law, Ofllco at Itoom S3 Tlrst National Hank Ilulldlng, Ilrlg- H hatn City. Utah, Telephones!, Lock llox "P. H LOGAN JUNK SHOP I Ilrlng all scrap iron, metal, bottles M rags and rubbers, hides and bees wax, M for which wo will pay tho highest M cash price. Ind phono .1.17. Hell phone J 46 South Main St. Affleck Machine H Shop. H Go to A Week's Machine Shop and H foundry for Iron and llrass Castings H and all kinds of machine repairs, 150 sj E. 1st South St. Opposite Central I H mills. Win. Allied;, Prop. H Egotism and R-tervo, M If a man dorlatos In e -or so slight a degreo from rcscrvo, lio runs the risk of being regarded as an egotist H If he dovlatca from It still nioro ho Is H looked upon as a "bounder." National H Itovlow. H SALT LAKE I DIRECTORY Windsor Hotel H Centrally located. South of Ken- H yon Hotel, Main street. H European plan. Rates reason- H able. State trade solicited. H Rates SO cents and up. H |