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Show I Hi I: ii W.Harry I tfte Printer H 1 IDelMhts in I 4830 J Rush jobs. The picture above is a likeness of , him taken when reciving a "hurry-up" ' B p job over the 'phone. R V! e Try him once for a good piece of H I printing at a reasonable price. H I mrnl1 I H - 5 S ); I Attire I Republican j Office. I 8 i If ! ' - 5 ; Hi' LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Sign-en Sign-en (or further Information. In the District Court, Probate Division In one lor Cache Cojnty, State ol Utah. NOTICE TO CltEDITOIlJ. IMatu of Jem Clirlvlnincn, 1 ccraaed. Creditors will orenent claims with voui lirt luilinuiulentimedst Ills rotldeiico In II) rum C'ltr. Utah. In tliu county of Ca.'ho and statu of i;tli, on or livforotlio Istclaj- of day of Auirus', A II, 11W. I'atc of first publication Marrti 30, A. HOT. O.J. CHlUTIA.tN. Administrator of thu i-v atu of , .. ... . Jens Christiansen, duvased. J.O niters. Attorney. In the District Court of the First Jutllcl,il District, State of Uuti, Court-tj Court-tj of Cache. SUMMONS. Samuel M. Price, Plaintiff, s Sarnuol V. J'rlce, Maud K. Price, b'r.tnklln IV. Price, AKnes'I'riw. William Price and Amanda C. Price, Defend-ants. Defend-ants. The State of Utah, to the stld Defendants: De-fendants: You ate herehysujnmnncd toappp.ir within twenty days after theseivlec of this summons upon jou, If served within the county In which this action Is brought, otherwise, whhln thhty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of jour failure so to do, Judgment will bo rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy Is fl'ed In the olllco of the Clerk of the above-named coiiFt. V. II. Kino and A. A. Law. Plaintiff's Attornejs. P. O. address: Logan, Cache count) , Utah. Notice to Stockholders, Notice Is hereby given that at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Trenton-Clarkston Mill and Elevator Ele-vator Company, to be held at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, Saturday, April 27, at 10 o'clock a. m , a ptoposltlon to amend articles six (0), seven (7) and eight (8) of the articles of Incorporation Incorpora-tion of said company will be considered consid-ered nnd acted upon as follows: To amend article (0) to read as fol-lowi: fol-lowi: Article (I. "That thcamount of the capital stock of this corporation Is fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars, and the number of shares Into which lb Is divided Is twothoimnd (L',000) of the par value of twent-llvc ($.'5 00) dollars each " ' To amend article seven (7) to read us follows: Artlcle7. ''The number and kind of otllcersof this corporation shall bj as follows: TIhto shall bo a board of dhectors consisting of five persons who shall elect from their number a president and vice-president. They shall alo elect n secretary and treasurer treas-urer who ma or may not bo a director. Thu qualltlcatlonsof each director and the secretary and tre isurcr shall be to own at least one share of the capital stock of the corporation. Their term of olllco shall be two years or until their successors are elected and qualified. quali-fied. A majority of tho board shall constitute a quorum and exercise the powers of tho corporation." The names of tnoso who are to servo as directors until thu llrst election, cto , are a9 follows: II. Y. Benson, B. V Bingham, II T. Petersen, Henry Spacktnan and John Buttars, who shall, Immediately after qualifying, elect tho other olllccrs as provided In this article. To amend article eight (8) to read as follows: Articles. "Thero shall boa meeting meet-ing of tho stockholders of this corporation corpora-tion held at Its general place of business busi-ness at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, on thrj last Saturday In January, 1903, and on that day biennially thereafter for the purpose of electing the board of directors fqr tho next ensuing two j ears, notice of which elections shall be given In tho manner prescribed In the by-laws of the corporation. Tho secictary of the corporation or the meeting shall within thrco days after the election notify each director of his election " And to transact such other business as properly pertains to and Is connected con-nected with such ainendment.-II. ainendment.-II. T. Pkteiiskn, Secretary. B. Y. Bi:n60N, President. NOTICE. Special Road Tax Election Young Road District, Cache County, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance pur-suance of a resolution adopted by tl e Board of County Commissioners of Cache County, Utah, on April 1, 1007, a Special Election Is hereby called In tho Young Boad District of Cache County, Utah, to be held on Monday, April 29, 1007, tt the district school house, In tho said district, between the hours of seven (7) a. m. and seven (7) p. m. on said day, for the purpose of submitting to tho qualified electors elec-tors within said disttlct a proposition to authorize the Boardof County Commissioners Com-missioners of Cache Countv, Utah, to le) for the fiscal tear, 11)07, a district road tax of live (5) mills on all taxable property within said dlsrlct, to bo used exclusively for the construction and repair of roads and highways situated sit-uated therein. Only registered otors residing within with-in said district who shall have paid a propprtj tax therein In the jcar preceding pre-ceding such election shall be entitled to vote at such election. The following-named persons hae been duly appointed by the said boa id to conduct said Special Election, to-wli: to-wli: C. II. Jeppcsen, n. A. Dow die and II) rum Olscn. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Cache County, Utah. A. A! JsitAKl.SHN, "ealJ Chairman J. S. Lauskn, County Clerk. Dat.cd, Logan, Utah, April 4, 11)07. The Price or Health. " The pi Ice of health In a malarious district Is Just 2j cents; thu cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Ella Slayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and Impart new life and vigor to the sjs-Ion sjs-Ion 23c. Satisfaction guaranteed at Illter Bros. Drug Co. i i i ! ) Stop Guessing ! iWhy not patronize a home industry and get better value for your money than if you carried it elsewhere else-where ? There is no better Underwear made I than that we are producing in i .L O 2 Garments from 85c per suit Iup. Also Union 3 Suits, etc. We are positively selling them cheaper than inferior imported j articles. Gall'and we will I convince you. LOGAN KNITTING 1 IPTOKY 1145 North Main St.! n g |