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Show ac?qaSH5H5aSB5a5H5H5B5B5H5a5H5g5H5g5H5a5EHH5HSHgB5 1 Superior Truss Service. 1 1 Those needing trusses should remember tliu o ir s.oc and K facilities are unusual. gj We carry every stjle tliat may be desired or needtd to 11. any ru case, making a specialty of the (anion U W White line n Privacy and undisturbed attention to tilting is h.suiul by our j Special Fitting Room. YOU are sureof (hiding Hie truss j ou need, of hting II';. d K properly and OU have our guarantee nf perfect satisfaction pi I Wo carry crutches and an adequate lino of elastic stotUms, n aJomlnal belts, etc. Special elastic woods ordered specia h w'icii K required and made according to careful me.isuicments If RITER BROS DRUG CO., jjj No 33 North Main St . LOOANj UTAH n IU nggg5aSE5B5g5B5a5E5H5H5H5a5H5a5B5H5a5aga5asa5a5BJgrC?l . . f . f I Wnv (femtmUz 1 I I : . 1 & i ' $ i' V21 HIS lobol la In ovory Durrojap "Itorrect ii ' ily Shepo" Shoo, and stands as a, guaran- V " loo that tho Durrojap Vamp will not i i broalt through boforo tho flrat solo is worn out. ir iH In tho event of. a, Durrojap Shoo wear- A4 ' ing contrary to this guarantee, tho retailer ',', ?" from whom these shoos wero purchased Is J'f authorized to replace them with a new pair Jf ii PACKARD fD. FIELD ii I) Erochton. Mass. ', rl? v I 1 i'i if- $ For sale by Andreas Peterson. ,i, ?T . I THATCHER OPERA HOUSE jj AlONDAY, APRIL 15th PSl Blanche Walsh p H and her Astor Theatre Co In Clyde Fitch's Ti. men Jm '- $j I dous Realistic Dianu Mms a I "The Straight Road." Jy IThe Real Event of the Logan Season. PRICES - - $1.50 $1.00, 50c I nni iii'iiiini wmwi1 1 i'ii MirriiJnnTTrTrrrrrn'rT rrrrrTii I A Shirt Tale. I Here is u place to buy Sliirts at an exceptional liar-I liar-I gain, right at the start oftlie season, and you can't afford to miss it. Men's extra llne$l 00 and $1.25 Dress Shirts In the very newest new-est shades of Tan, Grey, Blue, etc , In Stripes, Plaids, Checks, Fig-ures Fig-ures and Dots. In fact every Imaginable Pattern. There aro almost al-most a hundred styles as well as plain white with pleated or plain bosoms. Tho materials arc Percales, Madras and Bedfords, also Fongee, Mohalrand silk mercerized bosoms with matched bodies. They come with or without collars attached and with separate or attached culls. Just think jou getyour choice of the best $1.0) and $1.25 shirts at the Hub for 75 cts. To make things still more Interesting we will placo on salo at I tho samo timo 25 dozen best GOo NROKTICS In Four-in-hands, Shield or Hand Silks at 35c. Opposite the Tabernacle. PHICElST FOR APRIL H J50lbs Kh Patent Flmu for $1 10 H jiooibi Biau for id) H 1 10 His Sugar for 1 00, 10 lbs best Head Rice 100 H Pickles per keg H 3 pickagosTea 50 10 cans Utah Tomatoes l"00 H 10 cans best Corn for -1 CO - H 1 10 cans Green Peas for ICO H .leans Mustard Sirdlncs'fcr ... 25 H 5 cans Oil Saidines for 25., H 10 bais Laundry Soap 100- H 3 ) bais i: '. Soap for .... 1 00 21 bars Diamond U Soap for.. .. 100. H 11 bais Ileal 'V.m All Soap foi . ..1 00 M 5) lbs. Big Four I'lniir for 75 H 5 1 lbs Fancy Flour for 5 H 50 lbs. Whole Wheat Flour for. . . 1 00 H 53-55 WEST CENTER St. M A Treat. H to the lover of good whlskev is a drink H from n demfj'dm of our Paul Jones or H Sherbiook, sold in bottles, too by the H quart, by the gallon, by the case. H You'll travel miles and miles before B )Ou'll find Its equal at anjwhcro near H our price. Welcome to taste before M jou buy M J. R. EDWARDS The Most Import- ant Item. H of the first meal of the day Is coffee. ! Aro you getting tho best In the mar- JH ket for tin. mone) ? If you arc, read fH no further; If you arc not, get a samplo j jjH pound heio and thon buy as jou like, H whero you like, but our Chaso &Sand- jH born codec at 40 cents the pound Is a JH great fa voi Ito with our patrons. H C. V. MERC. CO. |