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Show I DON'T BOLT YOUR FOOD A large number exhibit haste in eating a disposition to bolt their food. It Is of utmost importance that one should eat sparingly, leis- urely, and take time for digestion. The poor stomach must not be abused but given time to convert the food, so that every meal will yield a store of building elements to the blood. DR. PRICES WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD contributes more nutriment to impoverished blood than any single article of diet known to man. Persons with rebellious stomachs can eat it with a sense ol genuine relish. i Palatable-Nutritious-Easy of Digestion and Roady to Eat Cin be served hot. Put In a hoi ovenfor a tew minutes; or cook In boiling milk to a mush. IOC piCklgCi For Sale by I Jtxnatar, Z CY),lC& Dr. Price, the famoua food expert, the creator or Dr. Prlco'a Crram Baking Powder, Dellcloua Flavoring Extract!, Ice Cream 8ugar and Jelly DeaaerU, haa never been compelled, notwithstanding atrenuoua Food lawa, to change any or hla product!. They have alwaya conformed to their requirements. Thla la an absolute guarantee of their quality and purity. Furniture Repaired Upholstering a Specialty... Our Work is Guaranteed. . Logan Second Hand Store 24 W. 1st Street North, Phones 100. N. r. Johnson, Proprietor. m M.rorai.iiiinnii mi m iimii u mi i m iiinni nnmi iisnirriri-run tiwiihi ii ami i n m msj m lj-.JrmrTmm-fr-TlrnlTr. WHY NOT GET THE BEST?! IS WoBltojoulliebcslatHALrhatothflrdentItsclmMu. bocauiowo bollovo In rtolnirft J&Z' jritfEO moro work, nnd worklne for a creator number of it'oilo with lcis Individual co.t. without B KZ-gStfKS robblnif anjono TnKTII nXTUACTHI) l'OMITIVr.LY WITHOUT I'AIN. Trio with S MMNufW&yitSh Pistes. OUR MOTTOi Honest work, fair tleallniis make our success 3lK ?J Our prices within the t each or everyone. 9SW, -' M 'atof Twtli (Bcfctltedltubbci) .... S7 Gold minus . up J Vrrjftto-. .. ' I IT .M0o',w0ti,for . S5 hllver mid Amalgam rilllne 75c J filffltPw3Wjtym&& ra Crowns. S3 k 95 1'orcclnln minim j WfMMm 12 Years Protective Guarantee. F,cn&ae'.'onB Wigm Utah Dental Co. j1&hEJ mmlllMmy 47 N. Main Street, over "Hub" 'MMPcrUKVVf S IJMWKV 234 Mli"' Sa" Lafce' aDd fTK 5' Tr4aaai jiWL $K ffliv ParkCity Utah VUU TYtOmsIiIBP I aDlK && ISim Open until 6 p.m. Sundays 10 to 2 (JM'jBlfai I nr.ZIwrncrm.in, Man.iUcr. Lady Attendant. Both Phonei. '"i" a A'i. AA I Beware of New I l Methods - of working off OLD STOCK at higher prices than New Pi- ;f anos and Organs are worth. This is a pointer for you.. V f! e s u"c C has no stoc on hand. It has $ K ijt 17 Pianos in stock; J 2 of which arrived ten days ago. The ft I ; others are a part of a shipment received less than three months $ I ago. Our Prices are RIGHT. Don't buy TINY -piano f I $ or Or&an until you have seen the Hobbs line 1 i and learned his prices. Be fair 'to Yourself. & I T I I Hob bs Music (Bo. I i! Bmi-- JgtH&SsSfii-U-?' --y' - - lJfaBMB;SrMaaraa'' ''aMaaaaa11a'a'yaaaaaMaaa1aa' 'm'-T '-" afc - aaaaaaaaaaaj The Flower Store I 45 S. Main St., Logan. H Vfi ''l'S linvo seeds Unit grow. We H have not been in the business H long enouiih to hnve any OLD stock. Our H seeds are nil Mew, Fresh slock and conse- H quently MUST GROW. I M g If this is not ' "XufSaid" call on us y and get any additional information desired. n H I TUK FLO Willi STORE I M lien, Carlisle, Mfr. I H The Cautious Borrower I I exercises care B H I not only In the manner of Ills borrowing, but In the selection of tho M place. Tho terms and conditions of our loaning aro such ns to ruaVo 1 H them ncccptablo to all Rood borrowers B H Wo nro prepared to make a large number of LOANS, ANY SIZE, I H from $100 00 to 0,000 00. I H The FIRST NATIONAL BANK I LOGAN, UTAH. H PUUUh I Now is the Time I I and This is the Place . I H to buy Hakes, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Shovels, I'lclts, Pruning Shears H H nnd Saws, Staples, Nails, Tacks, Poultry Netting, llrooms, Whitewash 1 liH Ilruslics, etc., etc We carry everything In I HARDWARE Cutlery and Carpenter1' Tools Our quality Is gcod and c guaiantco Q H our prices as hltlieitci to be the very lowest. We can sae jou money, H PJJ sure. You have onl 'o call to be convinced g JR. La fount & o. 1 I 38 Genter Street. H j In the Matte of I I Jewelry I r lb Is generally concjded that wejiavo tho most attractive assortment I 'H to be seen anywhere In town Just now wo havo an unusually fine v I V t rlcty of rings In the latest designs that will Insure suiting any tastn 8 or pleasing any fancy. a U In tho matter oT watch chains, too, tlicro Isn't any doubt about U I our suiting everyone's rcqulicments Our largo and varied lino of ,H B Simmons Watch and lorgnette Chains represent tho finest product of H the foremost chain manufacturers In all America 'H I CARDON JEWELRY CO., Logan, Utah I Don you want to I Dodble Yont Income 1 I Then Plant the SEEDS 1 M THAT GROW... M 'Nuf Said, Smurtliwaito's Seed Store, Center Street I M Always Up-to-date and Fresli Stocks. 1 ifl , t,.,.j. ..j .11 .iRMBHMWnwmilJI.II'lll Ji.'-i,iniLi---r7.T-Trvrr-1iTrrT jH Naturopathic Institute, x I I I(nuirC-circ, 4! m The best method of curing any py'1? w'SV 'H Acute or Chromic, Dlseaso or W ,tAY tD Dad liable Is by removing tho iifeji waftl t causo tlirough somo Physical, SiW yWFv. H Mental or Psychic method which , X mihvM " 31 Is harmless but sure. V? hPW I 1 k ntty Naturopathy and leirn 'jyAi2rkrkK " '1 i that jou can get cured from nny zWJiCr MfiiteL$m 18 H Disease or fiad Habit without ( flJWfiffW$h B M taking Poisonous Drug Medlclno .vWSfC 'fflfflwAfMh B 1 e or often undergoing a useless fMiWd&MA'W'W H 'H but fatal operations. W&Mmll nMrFy H j j.v PETHiTsou, Ps. n. n.d wwMerf l''mylrt i 'H 4i South Mnln Street 'WlfA'rfrrZ.Ji JdJQ B '9 Hell Phone 120. flA4n46U4r.rV.S' g ;W 'aH iS 'LaH .ygg. 'lai ' ' - ... MtiBB |