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Show M Accidents will happen, but the best- H regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' B - Electric Oil for such emergencies. It Bh subdues the pain and heals the hurts. H i mi i mi ii ii ! ii iwiii ii &$&&$!? I TIE REED K&cuy B Is a model of convenience The B hotel ofllcu, 70 x 30 feet, Is tho most BB spacious and comfortable In tho BY' West. Two elevators, no climbing BH stairs, Ilc-furni?hcd thiouphout. BB Rooms large, light and clean Steam H BBj infATIOM Tlirco blocks rastof Union I LUlrtllUn. Dcot. Cllr 1111 l'arlcuir- K posltr on tho wonts (J rand Ojcra IIoum) j ailJolnliiK on thukoutlit Utalina I'arl: Tim- alio across tho htrect norlli. Tliu ductile K street railways from all parts of tlici city center at Ha do.'rs. K EUnOPCN PIAN. t',iS3 BBr' ""' upwards, Excellunt Cafe In counec- I tlon. Tim best value for tho money In tlib H' State ot Utah. BB Why not come to tho Hotel replete BB with every comfort when It costs no Bf. more money? Retd Hotel Co., Props. Good Judgment Is the essential characteristic of men and women. Invaluable to Rood business busi-ness men and necessary to housewives A woman shows Rood Judgement when shu buys White's Cream Vermifuge for her baby. Tho best worm medicine medi-cine ever ollcred to mothers. Many Indeed are the sensible mothers; who wrote expressing their gratitude for the good health of their children, which they owe to the use of White's Cream Vermifuge. Sold by Kltcrllros. DniK Co. This May Interest You. No one Is imrauno from Kidney trouble, so Just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop tho irregularities irregulari-ties and cure and case of kidney nd bladder lioublu that Is not beyend the reach of medicine. For sale by all druggists. 1 Conference Rates! 5 0, S, L, RAILROAD. Tlchcta on Sale from Utah Points TXprll J 3rd to 8th. Good Return to April 15th 9 Train Schedule and Rates: q dN Stations. Dally Dally Dally K. Trip I'reston 7:10 a.m.... $3 85 Q Franklin 7:27 a.m n 05 A 9 Richmond 7:12am.... 3 43 Z Smlthflcld , 7:30 a.m 83 25 5 Z LoRan 3.10 p.m 8:15 a.m $3 05 Hyrum 1:00 pm... ... 83 05 Wcllsvlllo 1:10 p.m.. .... 83 03 Mendon JiJOpni 1:33 p.m.. 8:33 a.m $2 85 Cache Junction 3:55 pm 3:33 pm.. 8-5) a m $2 00 X Salt Lake, Arrive.... 7:35 p m. 7:33 p.m... 11:15 a.m.... ? Returning Trains for Preston and Intermediate Points at 4:10 p. m., for Wellsville and Hyrum at llf45 p. m.; Points on Main Line, Mendon and J Logan line 10:30 a. ni. $5103-35 g I g We collected Ave thousand and fcT jgi'sv thirteen dollars and thlrty-flvo f ir fa cents for Mrs. Mary Ann Frew. Jfi r. f 4ft Sho lives at Syracuse, Utah, Snd tMfm. ss$ f ifc will be glad to tell you If jou have 'yS&MJISrzf 1y & i. any bad claims to turn them In and VzMMW$W V 1I wo will get some money for you. j&zs'fiffl sg?r ; I Merchants' Protective Association I SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF HONEST DEBTS. & & Fifth Floor Commercial Illock, Salt Lake City, Utah. X jfoi FRANCIS G LUKE, 3eneral Mgr "Some Peoplo Don't Like us" Ghieago Meat Market. j : : s I I ,4ifc n Highest Cash I S $rmr s Price Paid for 5 : jmJs pork. I : It WiJli. S. P. S0RENS0N. Proorlctor 5 RID GRANDE VP3&W 1 Scenic Line of the World. g A Panorama o! Natural Beauty All the Way. I Canyon of the Grande, Eagle River Canyon r Wagon Wheel Gap, Gleuwood Springs, Canyo" of the Gunnison, Gardeu of the Gods M Manitott Springs, The Royal Gorge. S THROUGH j. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers To Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. I For rates, f-Jiuuis, fin Illustrated booklets, etc., Inquire of your i nearest ticket ;u'cnt, specifying tho Wo Grande G A" .mute, or address r I. C. BENTON, G P A D, Salt Lake City r55E5B5ESBEB5H5aSB5a5BHHra5H Tj Why not send The Republican to I that relative who has gone away? It costs but $2 a year in and would S pj bs.' to him a big newsy letter. Hlg5H5B5aSB5E5g535H5HEH5B5E5E5H5H5B5E5a5H5B5E5HSg5 Q |