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Show I ap, ,. ,. APf. a. h. G. HAYBALL'S n I ANNUAL SPRING SALE , I J Sae Starts SATURDAY, APRIL 20, at 9 O'clock. , H III I'm MSMBBMMBSsMWSMSIMsWSraaBSMMsMWWMMSlSlMsMS I There is Not a Regular Price in our Entire Store During this Sale Every Price is Reduced. That's I the Hayball way of Doing Things. The Necessity for Action Has Come. I j SATURDAY BEGINS THE SLAUGHTER!! I h and it (Continues until Tuesday, April 30. H ! Owing to the backward Spring season, the various stocks are heavier than usual at this time, H , I therefore we announce this sale and present the entire stock at reduced prices, Reserving Nothing. I 25 - Sales Ladies - 25 The Reord Breaking sale or This or Caution ! ! 'Caution ! ! 4. a u -u aty 0ther year. GOOdS SOW for Gash Only Every article is here as advertised. H Wanted, those Wltn . uter in the sale lines will be sold out. H experience preferred AH goods are of this year's buying, and must be seen to be appreciated. Our f you come once you will come often. M loss is your gain. H Radical and Absolute Annual Spring Sale of p j v . The Most Important Spring Sale of Wash Goods and family OfOCety LlSt. SWamd Dress H White GOOdS, Tjt Qugar per sack . . $5s0 6 cans Oil Sardines . . .25 GOOdS. M Wo have split prices Into splinters, tlie rcduc- 1S ibs of cUrar $1 00 5 Packages Tree Tea .-. . $I.OO Wlh moro maRnctQ values than mortal ever M tlons will startle the wholo town, the olTcrliiRs ' 6 Packages New Crop Tea . $I.OO dreamed of. we must get rid of them, and wo M , aroslmpl) Urclstlblo Here are reductions on 12 cans Utah lonwtoes . . $I.OO 1 ., . e Intend to, no matter what the loss: LM the most exquisite spi lug and summer fabrics 10 n . c. n J.& IDS uest K.1CC .... 3I.OO H r that double, tilble and quadtuple tho buyltiK 1 cans liCSt L-Oril .... 3)1.00 in r.,c Ov;rrr; Si 00 -i i e 1.1 1 u . 1 .. . 1 M h power of jour monei. Take advantage of 11. st 1A e, 1U cans UJStcrs .... 31. 00 Mohair Suitings, plaids, checks and stripes In A H selection: 10 cans Best Peas . . 91.00 5 lbs 25c Coffee .... $I.OO all the new spring shades, regular price 05 and W & 25 p.eces white India llnensand Victoria lawns, 3 cans of Mustard Sardine .25 50 lbs Family Flour ... .75 7Soper jard. all Koln this sale at, per jard..40o M I iegul.ii ni Ices 15c, all go In this sale at, per 200 yards Arnold's Rc.'ge JlTects, regular price H I I Any of the Goods above can be had in smaller quantities at the same prices. 25c, going in this salo at, per jard no 1 ' H 20 plccrs white India linens, regular price 20c, H H go In this sale at, per jard Wo Fine all-wool ollcs, colors and black, regular All the 25j grades of India linens, Persian . value $1.25 to 81 00, In this sale, per yard.... 85o M I lawns plain and fancy Nainsooks all go In this Be SUl'C tO Visit tlie RibbOllS, RibbOHS. 1,000 jards fancy Ovakl Pongee Silk, regular M I Mie, pLi jam iuu price 05 and 75c, going In this sale, per yard. 47c M S And here is a startling sacrifice of wash fabrics Basement. All silk baby ribbons loayard c ,. . , . c . , H Q worth :!0o to 10c. Including cmbiolclered dotted ... ,,. TalIe, rlbbons ....... ., Satin checks and Sueslno Foulard Silks, rctru. B 5 Swls,es, h topi Ian bolialne, Arnold's Swiss ap. . , , , , . ., , , All silk la leta ribbons at hair price. lar price. 05c, In this sale, per yard 47c H B nllque, pols do sole, Floral Silk Mulls, 'I Issues, ou will be surprised to see the cholco No 5 regular prlcoGc... sale price 2Jc perjard H 1 all colors, In this sale, )cr jard 2lo articles of merchandise jou can pick up at our No 7 regular prloe 7c... sale price 3c per yard A beautiful line of Taffetta Silks In all tho S The 20o Leno striped lawns all reduced In this 5-10-15-20 and 25 cent counters Chlnawaro No 0 regular price lc sale price 4o per yard ncwrlng shades, regular prices 85c and $100 sale at, per ard . ! 10o glassware, granlteware, tinware, brooms, mop- "W ar price e..sae pr Ice c per yard per yad, going In this sale at, per yard . 05o H S "Onloeesd.ess Chambnv .re.ilar Price 15c In sticks, carpet beaters, sad Irons, wash tubs, No 10 reguar price 2c.,sae price Oo per yard 91M quail y black peau de sole Silk, 30 Inches 1 tKle., broad mixers, linoleums, shoo brushes, stove No2Jreguar price 15c ..sale price 7l0 per yard wide, In this sale at, per yard $1.40 I Sl.kol.nes for draping purposes, regular 15c "Srtl SSSiJtar'SSiXriS'MSKJSS ei50oual.ty black Taffetta Silk, 30 Inches wide, S va.uesmth.ssale.pena.d llo J0 , iStoaTpSr No 80 regular price 30, .sale price 15c Jerjard n this sac at per yard $1,5 LM . 1 All 20j grades of Crepe Sllkollncs In this sale, ilt All fancy ribbons at 2o per cent discount. Equally low prices on all laces and embrel- H I pcrjard 14c derles. Great values here. I 1 Sale of Hosiery. Tremendous Slaughter of Table Linens, Napkins, Towels Sale of Underwear. 1 Kvery Uue at great Sale Reductions, making this tho best and big- slashing, cuts that must and will All the $125 crades In this on For Ladles and children. We have reduced cverythlng-Iteserved H I gest sale oiferlng the most powerful values Logan has ever known. c)ear thg tremendous surpIus wlth a sal(J per yat OC nothing. H 1 Ladles fast black cotton hoso all sl?es valuo 12lc, sale price per TVtih daring cuts that open buyers' ' Knormous reductions and powerful bargain giving will mako this Lm 1 ralr uc ecs In amazement. The whole stock All $1.50 grades to close In this tj,e biggest and best sale we've ever had. Hero' show we've cut H 9 Ladles fast black Hermsdort Imported plain and lace hoso a great t0 K0, great clearauce sale per ti nC prices. H 1 pairrlel' t0 C"0SU flm '" U'C 50 l,,,a(,CS' l'rSal Pr'C Po A" C5c tabl llnens Mhcd. half yard P1 Ladles' 12 Jc grade low neck, sleeveless vesU.on sale at 81c H B Ch'iw'rcns line Vl'bbed'fast black lioso aquallty' well' worth 25c and 30o bleached and turkey red go In on A flnRr tabJe ,ncD flncr Ladles' 15c grade low neck, sleeveless vests, on sale at 12o M 1 Inthlssaleper pair 15c this mammoth sale per yard...." v knS( all flner towels and fancy linens La(1'cs' 20 Brado low neck, sleeveless vests, on sale at I5o LM 1 Chlldrcns line ribbed 25c grado seamless stockings In fast black all An 7So table linens German and goat prices so ridiculously low and In- Ladles' 25c grade low neck, sleeveless vests, on sale at 20c H J slcs cut for this clearance sale to a pair ; " Scotch measuring up to 72 Ins. CA sure such great saving that you can- ladles' 35c grade low neck, sleeveless vests, on salo at 25o H Q Mens hoso In all styles and qualities at great reductions during this tiltliROln this sale per yd...5"C not consistently overlook them. Ladles' $110 grado low neck unlonsults on salo at 85o M Burmah Challies. Notions. Men's Pants. Ladies Muslin Underwear Caps. ' I H ' 7Jcvahrs In this sale, per jard... 60 Ladles Hack & Side Combs. One lot In this salo at $1.00 a pair. All going In this sale at greatly re- Ladles' and Misses' Caps- " 1 j All 7, and Sic calicoes In this sale, 05o values, sale 43o One lot go In this salo at $1 50 a pair. duced prices. Come and be convinced, Regular price 00c, sale 45o. 1 mW pei laid 5o 50c values, salo 40o it win pay jou to visit this depart- M , J 100 values, sale 35o Men's Shirts. ment- : . M I Outings. 330 values, sale .'too Men's Working Shirts- c. c Odds nml PnHc felcOutlngs.- Oio 25o values, sale 10o pular price COc, sale price 39c. Shoes- UUClS ami fcnds. H j lOoOutTngs 7c c:,i rmvihc Dimilnr Regular prlco 75c, sale price 45c Tho greatest offer over mado In -Go Needles a0 Lm 5 r.o Outings Olo 5IUL Lonnib, kuuu Men's Dress Shirts- Shoes. A complete lino of Sample 60 Safety l'lns 3jo H b 10c Outings l-e 25c values, sale 10c Regular prlco 00 and 75o, sale 43o. Shoes to bo sold in this spring salo at Co Hair Pins 3i0 H l Read these prices caiefully-thcy 20o values, sale Ifc lloy s1 Dress and Negligee Shirts- manufacturers' cost. All our regular If It Isn't advertised, It's because wo H H mean exactly what they say "15o values, salo 10c All gd lu this sale at 39o each. stock reduced for this great sale. have not spaco enougli. Askforlt. (ft1 I j Nothing Charged No Goods on Approval this Sale No Samples Cut. I HENRY G. HAYBALL j 5 i -55 West Center St., . . . Logan, Utah. |