OCR Text |
Show m , ,i I il Jtori W. Harry I the Printer I Delights in I i?nsr ofrs. 1 The picture above is a likeness of H- I him taken when reciving a "hurry-up" I,, job over the 'phone. I I 1 I H B Try him. once for a good piece of printing at a reasonable price. At the Republican Office. ; H LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND 6UARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Conitilt Cosnty Clerk or the Respective Slgs-ert Slgs-ert for Turther Information. In the Dlitrlct Court, Probate Dlvliloo In and for Cache Cojnty, State of Utah. NOTICE TO OUEDITOH", nitntp of .lent Clirlillanscn. deccaied, Creditor, will present claim with vouchers to the umlonlirnvd at lit reilclence In Ilyrtim City, tltali. In the county of Ua.'lie and stale of tlub, on or U'forollio 1st day of day of Auunit. A. D, 1H07, liatu of lirst publication March 30. A. IPO". CI. UliriKTIANftr.N. AdinluMratorof lliuvainlouf .lens Chr itlanwa. deceased. .1. tl niters, Attorney. In the D'strlct Court of the First Judicial District, State of Utah, County Coun-ty of Cache. SUMMONS. Samuel M. Price, Plaintiff, vs. Samuol V. Price, Maud E. Price, franklin IV. Price, AgnesPi Ice, -William Price and Amanda 0. Price, Defendants. Defend-ants. The State of Utah, to the said Defendants: De-fendants: You me hereby summoned toappcar within tweut) d.is after the service of this summons upon you, If served within thocounty In which this action Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your fnlluic so to do, Judgment will be rendeied agalnstyou according to the demand of the complaint, of which a copy Is filed In the oillccof the Clerk of the above-named court, V. II. Kino and A. A. Law. Plaintiff's Attorneys P. O. address: Logan, Cache county, Utah. Sheriffs Sale. In District Court, Cache county, Utah, .lolm Johnson and lluitcno Johnson, copartners co-partners doloif business under the llrm namu of John Johnson & Son, plalntllK vs. Georiro T. CuiiimlriMJr. nnd UllloJcssoiiCumnilrira. defeudanta. To bo sold at Sheriff's salo on tho 4th day of Mar, 1107. at thu front door of the court house, lu l.otfan city. Utoh, at l-':oo ovlock- noon of said (lay. Iliu following described real estate, iz: Commencing at a mint ten rods west of the southeast corner ot lot 0, block is, J, V. Tox's Westfleld survoy of Mlllvllle farm land, thence nest eight rods: thence north tocuun-ty tocuun-ty road forty rods: tlirm-a east on lino ot road I'lirht rods: thonco south forty rods to tho jilaro of beirlnnlnir. containing two acres, and situate In tho soutliwestinurier of section Si, township II. north of ranco 1 east of Salt I.aUu meridian. Cache county, Utah. T. It Smith, ...... Sheriff Caclio county. Utah. J. C. Walters, Attorney Notice to Stockholders. Notice Is hereby Riven that at tho annual meeting of the stockholders of . 1 1 the Trenton-Clarkston Mill and Hie- I vator Cohipany, to be held at Trenton, I Cache county, Utah, Saturday, April 1 27, at 10 o'clock a. m , a proposition to amend articles six (U), seven (7) and eight (8) of tho articles of Incorpora- j lion of said ompany will be consld- j eied and acted upon as follows: To amend article (ft) to read as follow fol-low : Article U. "That the amount of the capital stock of this corporation Is fifty thousand (S50.000) dollars, and the number of shares Into which It Is divided Is two thousand (2,000) of tho par value or twenty-live ($J3 00) dollars each." To amend article seven (7) to read as follows: Article". "Thenumbirand kind of o Ulcers of this corporation shall bo as follows: There shall be a board of directors consisting of five persons who shall elect from their number a president and vice-president. They shall also elect a secretary and treas- j urer who may or may not bo a director. I The qualiticatlonsof each director and the secretary and treasurer shall be to own at least one share of the capital stock of the corporation. Their term of oillco shall bo two years or until their successors are elected and qualified. quali-fied. A majority of tho board shall constitute a quorum and exercise tho powers of tho corporation." The names of thoso who aro to servo as directors until the first election, ota, aro as follows: li. Y. Benson, H. F. lllngham, II. T. Petersen, Ilenry Spackman and John Ruttars, who shall, Immediately after qualifying, elect the other otlicers as provided In 9 this article, I To amend article eight (8) to read I as follows: I Articles. "There shall bo a meet-1 meet-1 lug of tho stockholders of this corpora-I corpora-I tlon held at its general place of busl-I busl-I uess at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, I on the last Saturday in January, 1003, I and on that day biennially thereafter I for tho purpose of electing tho board 1 of directors for the next ensuing two I j cars, notice of which elections shall H bo given In tho manner prescribed In 1 the by-laws of the corporation. Tho I secretary of the corporation or tho 1 meeting shall within three days after B the election notify each director of Ills S election." n And to transact such other business H as properly pertains to and Is con-I con-I nectcd witli such amendment. II. T. PirruusKN, I Secretary. I H. Y. Hicnson, I President. NOTICE. ' j Special Road Tax Election Young Road District, Cache County, Utah. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance pur-suance of a resolution adopted by tt.c lioard of County Commissioners of Cache County, Utah, on April 1, 1007, a Special Election Is hereby called In Die Young Road District of Cache County, Utah, to.be held on Monday, April 20, 1007, tt the district school house, in the said district, between the hours of seven (7) a. m and seven (7) p. m. on said day, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors elec-tors within said district a proposition to authorize tho Hoard of County Commissioners Com-missioners of Cache County, Utah, to levy for the fiscal tear, 1007, a district road tax of live (5) mills on all taxable property within said dlsrlct, to ba used exclusively for the construction and repair of roads and highways situated sit-uated therein. Only registered voters residing within with-in said district who shall have paid a property tax therein In tho year preceding pre-ceding such election shall be entitled to vote at such election. Tho following-named persons have been dnlj appointed by the said board to conduct said Special Election, to-wit: to-wit: 0. 15. Jeppesen, It. A. Dowdle and Ilyium Olscn. liy older of the lioard of County Commissioners of Cache County. Utah. A. M. JsitAULSKN, seal Chali man. J. S, Lausisn, County Clerw. Dated, Logan, Utah, April 4, 1007. The Price of Health. " The pi Ice of health In a malarious dlstilct Is Just 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills," writes Ella Slaytou, of Noland, Ark. New Llfo Pills cleanse gently and Impart new life and vigor to the sjs-tern. sjs-tern. 2oc. Satisfaction guaranteed at inter Ilros. Drug Co The New Pure Fool and Drug Law. Wo aro pleased to announco that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles 1s not affected by tho National Puro Food and Drug law as It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and wo recommend It ns a safe remedy for children and adults For salo by all druggists. |