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Show I How Few Enjoy Perfect Health I AfJ'hurfntaiS!?" .8 Mle cffort l2.kce,P wel1 untH lheV are slck- They H SIZ fi..iT? ,k J? their 8lmch' 'combination of .Ihcap, Impure, Improperly H made foodstuffs that ate sure ia time to breed dyspepsia and all other maladies. Try I DR. PRICES WHEAT FLAKE CELERY I FOOD I X0liMniinot.Pnd a?y olhcr toCd so delicious. The stomach will require no drug H ;,! rSfs,l?n ,N"y,ou3.cnc,rgy. mental vigor, physical strength and a natural M action of the bowels follow its dally use. It's a food, not a medicine. Palatable-Nutritious-Easy of DIrjostlon and Ready to Eat Cm be sirvsd hot. Pul In a hot oven (or a tew mlnulM j or cook In'bolUng milk to a muh. IOC a ptCkagCi For Sale by I-" "" fi ChJlthi M BJJ A.n.ncl.nourl.ImSt OrOCOrS on .oery UA. ( P , BJJ aasioaveaofbrrail "rum packaf SJ1. & JXQ ,?l.t.Ulf B ir:.i-' jBfmou food expert, the creator of Dr. Price' Crem Biking Powder, Delicious BB rfluln? V"'!' ,ce C'Jtm, .Su8 n Jetty Deiterti, ha never been compelled, BBa ?Jiy Lth,,.??d'l!E ""nuoui Food liwi. to chance any of hla product. They have always conformed to their requirement. Thl I an abtoluto euaranteo or their quality and purity. I Furniture Repaired the reed iagasg H T T-kUnfofanv Is a model of convenience. Tlio J UpnOlStenng hotel olllce, 70 x 30 feet, Is the most B C 1j spacious and -comfortable In the a OpeCialty... West. Tuoclcvators.no climbing BBJ stairs, Re-furnlshed throughout. Hi r t i ry j Booms large, light and clean. Steam J Our Work is Guaranteed. heated J . IflfATIOII Thrco blocks eaitor Union H I ...-. (..A LUlrtllUII. Depot: Cliy Hall l'arkop- aai i nnrQii onnnn twite on tiiocfcti orami 01 nouso Bai III Villi Ulillllllll aitjolnliieontlioaoutli: Utahnal'arkTIie- BB1 bUfcMII VUUVIIU airo across tlio street mirtli Tlio electric J w street railways from all yarts of tlio city I HhikI Storo ssopetian. & k """" irawiw and upwards Kxcllcnt Cafe In counec n j in 1 1 01 1 ii il llon' '' 't value for the money In llit 24 W. 1st Street North. Mate or man. J My nolcomo to tho Hotel replete BBJ Phones 100. with ecry comfort when It costs no K. P. Johnson, Proprietor. morc mone? Rted "0,el.Co" Prf- I RIOGBANDEWEiJlifl I Scenic Line of the World. 1 I A Panorama 0! Natural Beauty All the Way. Catiyou of the Grande, Eagle River Canyon Wagon Wheel Gap, Glenwood Springs, Cauyo" of the Gunnison, Gardeu of the Gods I Mauitou Springs, The Royal Gorge. I THROUGH I Pullman and Tourist Sleepers I To Denver, St, Louis and Chicago. B For rates, foldeis, free Illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your H nearest ticket aKeut, specifying the Ulo Grande Hj ...route, or address. I I. C. BENTON, G PAD, Salt Lake City BJBJJ 1 1 ... i.i i ! ' 11 1- I Salt Lake Route I I Round Trip to Ios Angeles on sale DAILY, g m April 25th to May 19th; good returning 1 I 1 July 31st, 1907. I ; La Fiesta I World's Greatest Pageant will take place $ I first week in May. Ask any Utah agent or write I; 9 'or information to J. H. Burtner, H I D. P. A., Salt Lake. " :i For Sale, 1,020 acres of tillable land, of which 175 acres s planted in wheat; 60 acres good lucerne; good well; 000 acres under un-der fence; 150 acres broke, Tho ranch Is located In Pocatelio valley and is known us the Jessop Bros, ranch. Apply Ap-ply to Ephralm Jessop, Mlllvllle. Harsh physics react, weaken tho bowels, causo chronlo connlpatlon. Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone tlio stomach, euro constipation. 25c. Ask jour druggist for them. fiaWWHwTiBBaBBBBMBBjMBBMBBBBBBBBBBBl The Flower Store 1 45 S. Main St., Logan. 11 yifE? ALSO have seeds that grow. We H have not been in the business V long enough to have any OLD stock. Our H seeds are all A'eir, Fresh stock and conse- M quently MUST GROW. H It this is not ' "Xuf Said" call on us ! and get any additional information desired. w S I Till-: FLOW Mi STORE I jfl lien. Carlisle, Mgr. I 9 The Cautious Borrower! i exercises care . fl I not only In the manner of his bonowlng, but In tlie selection of tho f 9 place. The terms and conditions of our loaning are such as to make bV 1 them acceptable to all good borrowers I jffl Wo aro prepared to make a large number of LOANS, ANY SIZE, 9 VM from $100 00 to $0,000 00. I H The FIRST NATIONAL BANK I LOQAN, UTAH. I jfl I Now is the Time I ' 1 and This is the Place 1 to buy Rakes, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Shovels, Picks, Pruning Shears 1 and Saws, Staples, Nails, Tacks, Poultry Netting, Brooms, Whitewash 1 IlBB j- Brushes, etc., etc. Wc carry ecrythlug In H i nBH 1 HARDWARE S Cutlery and Carpenieia' Tools Our quality Is urol and we guaianteo fi iBkl M our prices as hitherto to bo tho very lowest. Wc can save jou money, H BBBJ Ej sure. You have onlv to call to bo convinced, s jBBBJ I ?. Lafount & Go. j H I 38 (Banter Street. I H BBBBBBJ In ike Mattel of j Jewelry m it is generally concjded that we have the most attractive assortment CbBbI to bo seen anywhere In town. Just now we have an unusually lino va- (Vfl rlety of rings In the latest designs that will Insure suiting any tastn IBl or pleasing any fancy. oaBBJ In Che matter of watch chains, too, there isn't any doubt about H our suiting everyone's requirements Our largo and varied line of IBBBl Simmons Watch and Lorgnette Chains represent tiro finest pioduct of fBl tho foremost chain manufacturers In all America. aBBBJ CARDON JEWELRY CO., Logan, Utah 1 riWiUMIi'iWnllHI'ili'l I in" Wmi'i'MM1 n1 I' IW'iUB'I'HtM ' ' I'll' If 'II il 'I WW I H Dot you want to I I Double Yout Income I I Then Plant the SEEDS I M THAT GROW... 1 'Nuf Said, Smurthwalte's Seed Store, Center Street 1 I Always Up-to-date and Fresh Stocks. H """ "i iiiiiniiiiliirrinmmijii.a.. u ,. ,nf.t.,rtnpmrCT. BBBBJ I Naturopathic Institute, k I Tho best method of curlngany tWS S BBl Acute or Chromic Dlscaso or y i!Pt BBBBl Bad Habit is by removing tho feN mJM tPHI causo through some Physical, 'VzSiif mrn. Bi Mental or Psychic method which f ftWSL fBBBH Is harmless but sure. '?-p )&& WittFti: BBBI I Try Naturopathy and learn "MfM-AmmiMh,. 8 afalfl that you can got cured from any z?2ZMt WJfwkimw 1 BBBI Disease or Bad Habit without MKJ-WMfw9KS I BH taking Tolsonous Drug Medlclno atWllNMlw 1 BBBBl or often undergoing a useless JiM,&mfifM&ii&wM 9 BBBBl but fatal operations. MmML MMAWs 9 11 J.F. PETUITSOH.Ps. D N.D S IBJtW i 8 IBBBbI 12 South Main Street wWJ&TTjrjJi t ImJv I IBBBl Bell Phono 120. Nt WHstA&4:r '.rV.S BH |