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Show H This May Interest You. Uo ono Is Immune from Kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley' Kidney Cure will stop tlio Inegularl- BB tics and euro and case of kidney nd BBtj bladder troublo that Is not beyend the BBI reach of medicine. For sale by oil druggists, Doing Bojlnm Ajtln. "When my friends thought I was about to take leave of this world, on account of Indigestion, nervousness and general debility." writes A. A. Chlshulm, Trcadwcll, ft. Y., "and when It looked as If there was no hope left, I was persuaded to try Electric Hitters, and 1 rejoice to say that they arccurltig me. I am now doing business again as of old, and am still gaining dally." Best tonic medicine on earth. Guaranteed by Itlter Jlros. Drug Co. GOc. Ceed JndgmtRt Is the essential characteristic of men and women. Invaluable to good business busi-ness men and necessary to housewives A woman shows good judgement wljcn she bujs. Whites Cream Vermifuge for her baby. Tho best worm medicine medi-cine ever ottered to mothers. Many Indeed arc the sensible mothers; who wrote expressing their gratitude for the good health of their children, which they owe to the use of White's Cream Vermifuge. Sold by niter Bros. Drug Co. Bitten by a Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington of Hosqucvllle, Tex , would have lost his leg, which became a mass running sores, had he not been 'persuaded lo try Hucklen's Arnica Salve. Ho writes. ''The llrst application relieved, aud four boxes healed all the sores." Heals c cry sore. 25c. At Itlter liro3 Drug Co. Mr. S. I . I!owcn, of Wayne, W. Va . writes: "I was a sufferer from kldnry disease, so that at times I could not get out of bed, and when I did I could not stand straight. I took FolejN Kidney Cure. One-dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." Foley's Fldney Cuso works wonders where others arc total failures. Ft r sale by all druggists. ' I Muslin Underwear I I g 2 Hosiery, Corsets, J J Long Silk Gloves, I Shirt Waists, 2 And the finest line of I Spring and Summer J I 2 Underwear. J I I Logan Knitting Factory: I S 145-147 North Main Street, Logan, Utah Z I I $5103-35 1 I X We collected live thousand and '" ,ZJL & B T thirteen dollars and thirty-five jj' A H cents for Mrs. Mary Ann Fiew. WT jw, $J H J She lives at Syracuse, Utah, and Hlrv V I will be glad to tell you If jou have y8KKIf S . I i. any bad claims to tuin idem In and vtZ&mfSHp S , H S. wo will get some money for vou Jsj&W 7 T H Merchants' Protective Association I I J SCIEN1IFIC COLLECTORS OF HONEST DEBTS. I & Fifth Floor Commercial Illock, Salt Like City, Utah JjT I rt FUANC1SG LUKE, jcucial Mgr. "Some People Don't Like us" ! B t(tietei9tioteeseeeQacieeoott H : Chicago Meat Market. I I I m "j n Highest Cash 5 I I v Price Paid for - I ! PORK. : I I C tfjfitel.- S. P. S0RENS0N, Proprietor I I MiMte Meiiefoeeoeisaetee(Mf I WHY NOT GET THE BEST? S j0 - . Woslvoyou tlioUva at II U what othor dentists cliarse. Iwcau-iu wb bclliivo In Uolni: KvWMfcv more work, and wijrl.li!i;f.ru Kii'ali-r numlicr of lieoplo with less individual cost, without k B .wi52,Jj4SKv robbing anyone. TflfcTII KXTUACTK!) POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN. 1'rco with t 3 WKmlreyggBlU llates. OUIt MOTTOi Honest work, fair iteallnQs make our success I JBK!' H Our prices within tlie i each of evaryonc. I wBMy5', ' Set of Tcetli. tllcst lied Itubber) $7 Gold I'llllncs. up H nnw;.enf1ii r -- w A C5ool Set for SS Mlver and Araalirara I'llllne .75c 5 WMttmSrZ'iSMe.VjffV ilrldifo Work. Ilcjt SS Cement Fllllnifs SOe I MlWrWvKWBni Crowns, a K SS Porcelain nilluirs si 1 WvriA lJ 12 Years Protective Guarantee. rreZEJc!'3'v'!,.on lfetf Utah Dental Co. "" nSBkmr I "iidlm NJ$L ff ParkClty Utah ' XCnhV)m f I -WnUlIsk x S1 Mtil Open until OJp. m. Sundays 10 to 2 Mii 1 jmM fl Dr. Zimmerman, Manaivr. Lady AtUndant. Both Ffcones. I |