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Show The travelling public should take notice not to travel over the old road I to Mendon and Pctcrsboro, as the abutments of bridges arc going down caused by oxcesslvc high water. The road referred to is the one passing by the old slaughter yards west of Logan. The Cache Valley Tea Company I I is DETERMINED to keep its record " Just Til ill k Of" These prices hardly more thau pay the IH of selling more DISHES than all deal- freight. That is the reason we do the 1 H 1 ers here combined. The reason of our 50 Piece Dinner Sets at-::::":'::"::::":-::::::::::::::: $2.85 Dish business of Cache Valley. ... I 1 large business is not because we carry p. p, Decorated Dinner Set at $3.90 Be sure and see our Spring arrival of 1 M I the largest and most complete stock, ' . f H I bt ia,,sC make you mud, lower 50 Piece Dainty Decorated Dinner Set at $3.00 boa,uVful vfK n" k,"ds of Glassware I H Ipitiseforauyotber 4o plece French Ware Dinner Set ---- $3.85 '::;!' l0"r j CACHE VALLEY TEA CO., S KYEsT.R LOGAN, UTAH ' 1 |