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Show B i . I I 1? f .. I I THE NEW METHOD !''- I It will Save our Customers Hundreds and Thousands of Dollars. iirE have taken all our agents off the road and '. X EWARE of the Agents who always sell AT It If all expense of horses, wagons, wages of trav- We win deal with a class who do not care to bo M- COST, very often showing you the invoice Ielingmen, hotel bills, etc, will be cut from the prices SfdTrc which has been marked up by the factory just to 1 v of our PIANOS and ORGANS and given to the people. """' and trick you, and when the agent settles with the fac- B All pianos and Organs must be sold at the Store. rurnisn tno instrument with ? It Our customers must come to us. Our new plan will Aff A 4- r ' ' tory he gets a discount from $50 to $100. Lookout I almost place an instrument in your homes at the A" Agents L.ommiSS10fl for tne affent wj10 has soid three Pianos today and I WHOLESALE PRICE. Our prices now will almost Knocked Off . , , mi i 1 u I startle you. We will furnish almost any kind of an ivnucKeo wii. six yesterday, because very often you will find that u ., Organ or Piano you desire. We will handle ten dif- Your note never passes out or our hands. Dur- the R. R. Comoanv has not brought him six Pianos B H, fereilt makes Of the BEST PIANOS and ORGANS in Ing the eighteen years run we have never sold our v J 1 ; the United States Pianos which some Commission SgcS JZTJS? in the ,aSt six months- If yU arC "0t " CXpert ,n H Agents have sold for $4oo.oo, we will sell now for buying, it makes no difference if jou do not intend Piano construction it will pay you to hold every I $200, Cash. Almost any kind Of easy terms you may to buy for live vears, please call and let us explain B ! desire will be granted. We doubt if a Harris Agent n&lJ9mZlaToliV agent strictly to the truth E H. ever Calls on you again. a small margin that we cannot afford to chase after j 1 vou. The largest music company In the United - States Is follow lug this method. Why should not 1 (T&r- the largest music company In this part of the state 1 rp3-- do the same? Our prices and easy terms must draw lllllllHH f CaJI ! Ifcfalt rl&ttts Music Company jmSm cf. r. vF j By c. m. Harris. m,iAJ LSn g Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Dlgesto what you eat. Notice to Public. ; Notice Is hereby given that the County Commissioners of Cache Coun- ty, Utah.wlllontho 10th of Aprll,1007, hear protests why an order should not be made granting the petition for tho T Incorporation of tho town of Paradise. i By order of the board of County Com' mlssloners mado April C, 1007. I Jomci'ii S. Laksicn, Clerk. Notice to Water Users. Notice is hereby given that the water In the upper canal will bo shut oil Friday, April Cth, 1007, until somo later date, thl3 on account of repairs to be made. Thcro will bo water only fordomcstlo purposes, thercforo tho water users aro kindly asked to bo as economical as possible until further notice. Olof 1. Pederson, Water Master. The New Method of selling pianos and organs. Tho Harris Muslo Co's. new plan will upset the old plan. Sec big ad. on page eight. -' H I I I I B I 1 lie Cache Valley 1 ea Company H is DKTURMINKD to keep its record r, . sf These prices hardly more than pay the M of selling more DISHES than all deal- JUSt I IliriK Ut freight. That is the reason we do the S ers here combined. The reason oi our Q PIqqq DitMer Sets at ' ' $2.85 Dish busi,less of Cache ValIe'- H f large business is not because we carry . . rf. c? u & Be sure aud see our Spring arrival of f 2 the largcst a,ld most completc stock' 50 Psece Nieely Decorated Dinner Set $3. 90 beautiful v all kindls of LGlassware H but because we make you much lower -q Dainty " " " $3.90 and beautiful China at lower prices S bH a prices than it is possible for any other m t. --. . . Z- . i'- dealer to do. UO " FrenCft Ware Dinner Set $3.85 than ever before. J I CACHE VALLEY TEA CO., rUL'c. LOGAN, UTAH I I?'1' I |