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Show "Pntumonla't Deadly work Has so seriously affected my right .unlf ii writes Mrs. Fannlo Connor, of Rural Uouto 1. Georgetown, Tenn., that I coughed continuously Highland day and the neighbors prediction-consumption prediction-consumption seemed Inevitable, un-til un-til my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery, which In my case proved to be the only ukai. cough cure and restorer of weak, sore lungs." When all other remedies utterly fall, you may still win in the battle against;iung and throat troubles with New Discovery, the heal cure. Guaranteed by alter Bros. Drug Co fl coc. and 81.00. Trial bot Don't Put orr I for tomorrow what you can do today. I if you put off buying a bottle of Hal- H lard's Snow Liniment, when that I pain comes you won't have any, buy H a bottle today. A positive cure for H Rheumatism, Hums, Cuts, Spfalns, H Contracted Muscles, etc. T. S. Gra- ham, Prairlo Grove, Ark.; writes: "I H wish to thank you for the good results H 1 received from Snow Liniment. It I positively cured me of Rheumatism I alter all others had failed" Sold by H Illter Bros Drug Co. B How to Avoid Appendicitis. I Mos' victims of appendicitis are H those who arc habitually constipated. H Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures H chronic constipation by stimulating t the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orlno ur Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate nause-ate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. County Officers. A. M.lsraelsen. Chin, nd. Commissioners J, C. Knowlei, Commlsslsner. Gcoreo Godfrey. Commissioner. T. II, Smltli. Sheriff. Joshcph Larson, Clerk. .Tolin l' Toolscn. Treasurer. Sarah Merrill. Hecorder. Eugeno Echauu, Surveyor. Martin Olson, Assessor. A. A. Law, Attorney. , J. L. McCarror, Pupt. of Schools. U.K. Merrill. County Physician. Niels It. Ilrouy, Trull Troo Inspector. Ivcr Nlclseii, l'lsh and Garao Commlssnr. Justice of the Peace l Avon Samuel Ilanklicad Richmond-Win II Hill Lofan Win. Ilransliam. Wollsvllle-Samuol 1" Hall Hyrum James L Jensen Covovlllo-nilasg Larkeii l'rovldenco E 1' UaMsen Smlthflclil daruuel Nelson. ITrcnton-A J Hill Colleire John Sclionk Mendon Andruw Adderton Paradise John McMurdlo MIUvllo James A Hover Clarkston James II. Jardlno Hydo Park- J. W. Seamous OTHERS HAVE NOT QUALIFIELD. Wheeler Loran W. Marlci. Constable. Avon Abo Krcdrlckfon Itlclimond 0 1' Clirlstensen I Loifan Goorco I Tames Covovlllo-Not Quallflrld I'rovldooco 0 at Hammond Hydol'ark-J. W. l'crked Smltliltuld-Wm, Pllklnston Trenon-Not Qualified Colleire 1-oveiius Olscn Mendon Joseph II. Hardman Lowlitou Samuel II Kent I Newton John Hansen llyrum 11 II McTarlano Ilonson John W Reese l'aradlsu-Charles l'oaroo OTIIRRS HAVE NOT QUALIFIED. Wcllsvllle-Ilalvd W Jones iatMiMBmE3p&WtfJist-& j rte Why have a tordlcl liver when Ileiblue, tho only liver regulator will help jou? There is no reason why j on shou'd suf-from suf-from Djspcpsla, Constipation, Chills and fever or any liver complaints when Iloiblno will cure jou. F. C. Walto, Westvllle, Fla , writes; "1 wns sick for a month w Ith chills and fever and after taking two bottles of Her-bine Her-bine am well and healthy " Sold by Hlter Ilios DiugCo. Just Because your cough Is only In the throat and does not trouble you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When It lias not had much of a start Is the time to check It. The slightest cough casllv leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and Consumption. A bottle of Ballard's Bal-lard's Horehound Syrup will cure that cough. The price puts It within reach of all. Sold by Biter Bros. Drug Co. I ' j(K::: : Are p lT'ai:iHi lllis? I I jV,- HLI Of course you arc, and so will hundreds, per- U ,H 5 K- siP5f!iMl haps thousands of others. YOUR ad would ji B 3 fJR5 t yMiMUl kQ read here don't you think? If you have fe H ! W-lliSwnvM anything to tell the people, why not try these ' M i uWMMwr coliiim,8? II docsii,t cost much- Riu up c 1 ,U - . -1 he Republican and well tell you about it. H CITY DIRECTORY I II SKCB1ST MANAGER Cache Valley Livery Co.... Livery Feed and Transfer Stable. Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial - Trade j Solicited Stables rear of Eagle Hotel Entrance 1st North Street. Bell office nlione 6S; Intl. office phone 11 Bell res. phone CO. LOGAN, - - UTAH. Robert Whitmer Tin and Locksmith. Rooting and guttering a specialty. Work dono on short notice. Mines rcpalrid. Bell Phone 3(l0y. 52 W. First North. John A. Sneddon Attorncy-at-Uw. Over 1st National Hank. Estates Probated General Law Practice Jos. Wilson & Son Brss and Iron Founders. rWi'aclilnlsts. machinery repairing ot al kind done: we positively manufacture tin best and cheapest swivel for liar derrlcki over placed on tLc market. William Bowen Livery and Ftcd Stables. Livery and bafrirago promptly attendee vo connections made with all trains com trade solicited. First West street Logan. Utah Peterson & Sons. The Painters. Oold signs, window lettering, card signs pictorial signs, painted bulletins, wall dls Slays. General painting of all kinds In up-to ate manner. AU'work guaranteed. Snop-Soutu Snop-Soutu Wain street ' J. Z. Stewart Jr. Altorney-at-Law. Estates probated, collections, general la' practice. Logan Utah Nebeker, Hart & Nebeker Lawyers. Suite i and 6 commercial block I Logan. Utah 'Phone 70. po box 51 Logan Elevator Isaac Jorgensen. Prop. Dealer In all klndsof grain and secdsi car shipments a specialty. 1(6 H 2nd soutl phono IMj James T. Hammond Attorney and Attorney-at-Law. Rooms 315-310 McCornlck Blk, Salt Lake City, Utah. The Lincoln Hotel Mrs. Hanks, Propr Commercial trado solicited Center stree Logan. P O Dot 418 'Phono Hi U. O. M. & B. Co. Lumber Dealers. tsr'Kloorlng, celling, rustic, lath, doon sash, mouldings, locks, blngei. nails, bolt! builders hardware and paints! Geo Cole, Mg l'bono 46 I' O box S0J James C. Walters ATTORNcY-AT-LAW. Onion Block T5 North Main Street H. A. Pedersen & Co. HEAL ESTATE, LOANS.INSUHANCE. COLLECTIONS Tried, True and Reliable. Office over First National Dank. Logan, Ot PostoOIco Ilox 3i3. Phono 183 X Correspondence In any Language answered 1 Utah Mortgage Loon corporation. Tithing Office corner, logan, Utah has plenty of MONKY AT ; ALL TIMES for FARM AND CITY LOANS at lowest rates. No Commls-j Commls-j slons charged G.W. Llndquist Undertaker & Embalmer. 'phone-ofllce l!7i phone residence 3f k John Bench Dry Goods Groceries, and Notion" U south main Palace Meat Market. Rust & Reading, Props. Prlmolbccf. Mutton. I'otk, Veal, (tee tVGame and Poultry In season. 1 N West Center street. Real estate, Joans, Insurant Wo loan money on most favorable tern 1 sell farms and city proimrty and write I suranco in Utah and Idaho, J. Z. Stewart, Manager. J. W. BARRETT Architect. ' Plans, and Bpc:l(lcatlons furnlsb on short notice. P. U. Ilox 415. Ulllco ta North first East stleet. Phono Independent l"8a Hell Mx John Thomas Merchant Tailor, ItVLcadlng tailor of northern Utahi c at his new storo No. 70 west 1st noi " A fine line ot Pall and Winter samples Suitings for Inspection. Logan Utah Odell Photo Studio Family Croups a Specialty. tVPortralts enlarged In crayon, India Ink, pastel and water colors Main and center streets. Logan, Utah Joseph Tarbet ' The Plumber. ptTOrdcrs executed, satisfaction guaran teed on short notice 140 N Main street. Lo gan, Utah Logan Steam Laundry 46 West 1st North. . I'lrst-class efficient work done onshorl notice) family washes a specialty! satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed, Phono lilt t Q. Ruchti Merchant Tailor. Ladles and Gents Clotlilncof all kinds neatly cleaned and lepalrcd. 71 West 1st North, i, '. Weather and Suicides. ' Bttlcldo travels In waves llko varloun kinds ot crime, and In largo cities tnoy como in rapid succession, uull November has been called tho sulcldo month, but August shows a larger number tho past year, and It Is behoved behov-ed that tho ercat heat has a vory great deal to do with suicides. In oxtremo cold weathor thero aro fow suicides In this or any other country. Botes With Thorns. Somo peoplo seem mado to be al wcyn getting thorns In their Angers or their hearts, hut thoy aro usually thoso who caro enough to pick roses and run tho risk. Maartcn Maartens. K Y J Q U V. S H Barber Shop H and Bath Rooms H U'c employ none but Experienced H Harbors, thus ensuring tho H of Service. H HcrjthlriK clean nnd Up-to-date. H We solicit your patronage ami H ulll do our best to H please H 1IASK.M KNT Til ATOHKU HANK H H. D. HANSEN H Practical H Shoemaker H McudlnK done hort notice. J Our aim Is to satisfy our patrons, so that their trade will continue with us. Shop on West 1st North M Logan Lumber Yard, M Dealers la lumber, Doors, Sash and Mouldl'gs Shop work done on short notice. j H tU. Hell Phone 144z. 107 W. Cth South. M Klmkii Johnson, Mr. H FRED J. HOLTON, M DISTRICT ATTORNEY. H "" Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Ofllco at H Itoom 3 l'lrst National Hank Ilulldlng, Ilrlg- H ham City. Utah, Telephone 31, Lock Ilox "F. H LOGAN JUNK SHOP I tiring all scrap Iron, metal, bottles H ra's and rubbers, hides and bees wax, ; H for which wo will pay tho highest H cash price. Ind phone 337. Hell phone H J 46 South Main St, ! L rft Affleck Machine )'H m-inn .'ssl .J11UI7, '-JS11H Go to Alllcck's Machine Shop and -H Foundry for Iron and Hrass Castings . . and all klndsof machine repairs, 150 H 10. 1st South St. Opposite Central H mills. Win. Aflleck, Prop. MoH Egotism and Rerve, rH If a man deviates In e -or so slight M a degree from reservo, ho runs the M risk of being regarded as an egotist It he deviates from It still moro ho Is H looked upon as a "bounder." National ) Jjl Review. SALT LAKE DIRECTORY 1 Windsor Hotel H Centrally located. South of Ken- '''H yon Hotel, Main street. H European plan. Rates reason- K able. State trado solicited. nl Rates f0 cents nnd up. r Cache People in m Salt Lake City Will And first-class lodgiug jfll apartments at 263 South Main, cast of the Palace hotel. .The tH house is conducted by Mrs. jH Abigail VanNoy, formerly of jM Richmond, who will be glad H to meet her old acquaintances H of the north. ,H |