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Show m - IjjH H i liiH . rwm i 1 i l Mii WlM I r i r : 1 1 ori W. Harry I J the Printer I J I Delights in I I , ?js? ofrs. H I I The picture above is a likeness of 8 H Jj J him taken when reciving a "hurry-up" 1 m I job over the 'phone. m y I Try him once for a good piece of I B I printing at a reasonable price. I 1 1 I Republican I Office. I 1 H ; LEGAL NOTICES PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE, Consult County Clerk or the Respective Sic en (or Further Information. Is the District Court, Probata Division In and lor Cache Cojnty, State of Utah. NOTICE TO CUEDITOlf, Eitnti' nt .lent Clirliilnmon. deceased. Cri-dltun will lircti'nt clnlmi wltli vouchers to I ho uflilurtliniod at lilt residence, In II J tuin City. Utah, In iliocountr of Uarhe and slain of Ut th. on or Ix.'forellio 1st day or day of August. A. I. I1IU7. Date of rtrit publication March M, A. 1807. O..I. OlIIU'TIA.NSKV Administrator ol lliucs'ato ot .lens Christiansen, ckceasud. .1.0. Wallers. Attorney, In the District Court; of the first Judicial District, State of.t'uh, County Coun-ty of Cache. SUMMONS. Samuel M. Price, PlulnllfT, vs Samuel V. Price, Maud E. Price, Franklin W. Price, ARiirsPrlco. William Price and Amanda C. Price, Defendants. Defend-ants. 'Die State of Utah, to the siltl Do-fentlants: Do-fentlants: Vou ato hereby summoned toappear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon jou, If served within tho county In which this action I? brought, otherwise, within thirty dais after service, and defend the above untitled action; and In case of jour failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to tliu demand of the complaint, of which a copy Is tiled In the olllco of the Clerk of the above-named court. W. II. Kino and A. A. Law. Plaintiff's Attorneys. P. O. address: Logan, Cache county, Utah. Notice to Stockholders, Notice Is hereby Riven that at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Trenton-Clarkston Mill and Elevator Ele-vator Company, to be held at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, Saturday, April 27, at 10 o'clock a. m., a proposition to amend articles sis (0), seven (7) and eight (8) of the articles of Incorporation Incorpora-tion of said company will be considered consid-ered and acted upon as follows: To amend article (0) to read as follows: Article (I. "That the amount of the capital stock of this corporation Is llfty thousand (530,000) dollars, and the number of shares into which it Is divided Is two thousand (J.OOO) of the par value of twenty-live ($.'o 00) dollars each." To amend article seven (7) to read as follows: Article". ' The number and kind of otllccrsof this corporation shall bas follows: Theio shall be a board of directors consisting of live persons who shall elect from their number a president and vice-president. They shall also elect a secretary and Measurer Meas-urer who may or may not bo a director. Tho nuallllcationsof each dlrcctorand the secretary and treasurer shall be to own at least one shaic of the capital stock of the corporation Their term of oflicc shall bo two jears or until their successors arc elected and qualified. quali-fied. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum and exercise the powers of the corporation " The names of those who aio to serve as directors until tho first election, cto , are as follows: JJ. Y. Henson, II. F. Bingham, II. T. Petersen, Henry Spackman and John Iluttars, who shall, Immediately after qualifying, elect tho other officers as provided In J this article. 1 To amend article eight (8) to read J as follows! a Aitlclo 8. "There shall bo a meet-j meet-j Ing of the stockholders of this corpora-1 corpora-1 tlon held at its general place of busl-I busl-I ness at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, I on the last Saturday in January, 1008, and on that day biennially thereafter for the purposo of electing tho board ! of directors for the next ensuing two B j ears, notice of which elections shall 4 bo given In the manner prescribed In I the by-laws of tho corporation. Tho 9 secretary of the corporation or the meeting shall within three days after j the election notify each director of his j election." I And to transact such other business I as propei ly pertains to and is con- 5 nectcd with such amendment. II. T. PKTEltSKN, E Secretary. I B. Y. Bknson, I President. Growth of European Population. At tho present rate of Increaso tho I population of Europo will doublo Itself i In a ceutury. I The New Pure Food and Dm J taw. Wo aro pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, i colds and lung troubles Is not affected by tho National Puro Food and Drug law as It contains no opiates or other ., harmful drupe and wo recommend It I ns a safo remedy for children and j adults. For salo by all druggists. iH I Stop Guessing ! Why not patronize a home industry and get better value for your money than if you carried it elsewhere else-where ? There is no better Underwear made I than that we are j producing in a L. D. S. Garments from 85c per suit up. Also Union Suits, etc. We are t )fl positively selling them cheaper than inferior imported articles. S ICalfand we will -convince you. LOGAN KNITTING FACTORY J 45 North Main St. |