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Show H IKWmiilJWJ'l"WIHli,ll IWHM "1"' w' LEGAL NOTICES H PnOOATT: AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. B Lu.ujII Liwiih Clerk or the ttetpettlve SlQn m lor furlhcr Information. LL In the District Court, Probate Division In ano tt for Cache County, Stale of Utah. M NOTICF- TO Ci:ni)IT()lt. H INtiito of .lent Christiansen. Opcciaril H I ii'illlnrs will p'esent claims with iiiiii-liirs H toiln iimIi'Imkiic'I ki Ills rcilili'iici' in lliriim 1 ( liy. tllnli. in tin' county of Ua.'ho awl slam B l ,ii, i oi l.cfnrc Hi litiliy uf day of 1 A . M i ,.f niii mililli-ntlon Mari'lifW. A. I1K)7. B 11.. I UllllloTIANKKN H A 1 1 1 1 .Wtraliirof lliccHtatont H Jfiis I'lirlstl-iiismi, iIi'Ci'iislmI. B .1 ' Wil'U'lu. Allnriiey. m no'i i i: to ounni tons I'stnt of (I irirc Scamotn, ilpfoascd, (J'lil.tuis mil pii'suiit claims with vouchors H tutliHUniliiralKnml at his rt'ililnnrii In llyilii M I'ark, In lliu I'liunty (it Cache anil statu of M Ulan, on or uufuru thuSl'th Jay of Aimust, H A. II. B Oatu of llrsl publication April 20. A, I). IW7. H OEoiioe W. Skamo.ni. H Administrator. 1 ,1. .. Stuwart .Ir , Attorney. H Sheriff's Sale. fl In District Court. Cache couiitv. Utah. .lulin Johnson anil Ktnrciio Johns in. co- H partners ilnl iir huslmiss under Pic tirm tiamii 1 of .lolm .lohtison .V Sun. l nlnlllt -.. vs. (fisiriff H T. CutiiiiiuiBs.lr. nml l.llltu JossuiiCutnmlnifs. H ilufuiiilaiits H To lm sold at Hl.orliT's sftlo on tin) t til ilay of H May, IU07.nt thtifrontdoorof thucourtliousu. H in boirau City, Utah, at 15:00 o'clock noon of H nalililay, tln following described real ostatf. H l7i Comtncnclinr at a point ton rods west nf H I ho southeast corner of lot 8, block 1H, .1, W. H I'ox's Wcstlliiltl survnyot .Mlllvlllo farm land. H tlicnccwost Hula rods! thence north toeoun- H ty roail forty rodsi llicnco cast on lino of H road clirhl rods; tho icu south forty rods to the H place of li 'k'liiulnit. cnnutnlin; two acres, ami H slltiatolu the southwest ijiiarlor of section 21, H township tl. north of rain?o I oast of Salt H I. aUu meridian. U.icho county. Utah. H T. II. Smith, H Sheriff Cache county. Utah. H ,1. 0. Walters, Attorney M In Miu I) it i let Court of the, First M .Itniifl.il Dlst i let, Stntc of lTt:ih, Cotm- H 1 1 of Cache. H Samuel M. Price, I'lalnlliT, vs. Samuel H V, l'rlco, Maud K. Price, Fr.tnklln H W. Price, AgncsZPrlce, William H Price and Amanda C. Price, Defend- M The State of Utah, to the si Id Do- H You ate hereby summ med to appear H within twenty days after the service H of this summons upon you, If set red : H within thucounty In which this action . H Is brought, otherwise, vvl'hlu thill) H (lavs after service, and d.'fcud the' H above entitled action; and In case of H your failure so to do, judgment sv ill be rcndt'ied auainsi oti accoidnie; to the' H tlcmat'i of the complaint nfldclia' H copy Is ll'pd In Dip olllce of UieUleik of the ab'jvi'-'iaui d couit I H Kinii and H A H Plaintiff', Attorneys P O addtcss: l.ouati, i '.lcli" count), I NOTICE. H Special Road Tax Election H Vounti Road District, Cache County, H 'Notice is lieiebj r.iwn Dial in pur- snanco of a resolui lun adopted by il.p Hoard of Count v ComniNsimipts of H Cache Count), Utah, on Apnl I, 1007, H a Special Klection Is hereby called in H the Yuii'tf I'.oad Distilct of Cache H County, Utali, to be held on Mond.i), H April 2'J, 1U0", tt the district school H house, in the said district, between H the houisof seven (7) a in and seven H ',) p. in. on salt! day. for the purpose H' of submlltlnK to the qualified elec- H tors within said district a proposition H to antliorlc the Hoaidof County Com- Hl' mlsslom is of Cache County, Utah, to W levy for the fiscal uai, H07, a district H road tax of live (5) mills on all taxable H' property within said dlsrlct, to be H used exclusively for the constiucllon H and repair of roads and hlliuajs sit- Only leplstercd voters reslillui: with- H in said dlslilct who sliall have paid a properly tax therein In the year pie- cedlriK" Mich election shall be entitled H to vote nt biich eli'Clion. H The follow liiK-named persons have B been dul.v appointed b) the said boaid to conduct kuid Siccial Kleillou, to- B Q. H. .Iipnsin, I! A Dowrilp and 1 llyiumOlsen B liy older of Hip Hon id of Count v H Conimissloneisof Cache tloiinl), Utah 1 A. M IKII.VKI.SKN', B bkal Chuiiuian 1 1,'ountv Cleiu. H Dated, Ioan, Utah, Apill I, lt)07. 1 Notice to Stockholders. ' Notice Is hereby Riven that at, the annua! meeting" of the -tockliolders of the Ticnton-Claikston Mill and Kle-1 Kle-1 v.ttor Company, to he hold at Ti niton. Cube count v, Utah, SHuiday, April 27, at 10 o'clock a. m , a proposition io ain-'inl aiticles six (h). seven (7) and eight ts) of the aiticles of Incorporation Incorpora-tion of said company will be consld-1 consld-1 1-1 I'll and acted upon as follows: i To amend article (0) to read as follows- Articled "That I he amount of tlc , capital stock of this corporation Is ' tiff y thousand ($."0,0i)) dollars, and I the number of shares Into which It Is Id' 'ded Is two thousand (2,000) of the p.u alueof twenty-live (SJo 00) dollars .-eh " , To amend aitlclc seven (7) to read as follows. Article 7 "The numb r and kind of ottlceisof this corporitlon shall boas follows: There shall be a board of directors consist Ini; of live penons who shall elect, from their number a president and vice-president. They shall also elect a secretary and treasurer treas-urer who may or may not bj a director Tho iiuallllcitlons of each director and the sueretaiy and treasurer shall be to own at least one slrire of the capital slock of the corporation Their term oi olllce shall be two yeais or until their succes.ors aro elected and ipiall-lied. ipiall-lied. A inajoiliv of the board shall constitute a quorum and exorcise the power of tie col jioratlon " The names of those who are to serve as directors until the llrst election, etc , are as follows: it. Y. Ilenson, 1!. I V. lilimliani, II. T. Petersen, Henry Spackman and John Huttais, who shall, Immediately after itiallf)hiK, elect the other ottlceis as ptovlded in this article To amend article eight (s) to read as follows: Aiticles "There shall boa meet-Injjof meet-Injjof tlio stockholders of this corpora-lion corpora-lion held at Its general placo of business busi-ness at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, on tho last Satutday In January. 100S, and on that day biennially thereafter for the purpose of electing tho board of dliectors for the next ensuing two ycais, notice of which elections shall bo given In the manner prescribed In the by-laws of tho corporation. The secrotary of tho corporation or the meeting shall within threo days after tho election notify each director of his election." And to transact such othor business as properly pertains to and Is connected con-nected vvllli such amendment. II. T. PlTTKIISKN, Scorolary. II. Y. IlHNSON, President. ft Mr S L. Ilowcn, of Wayne, W. Va , writes: "1 was u sulTerer from kidney disease, so that at times I could not getout of bud, and when 1 did I could not stand straight. 1 look Foley's Kidney Cuie. One-dollar bottle and part of the second ctncd me entirely." Foley's Kidney Cuse works wonders where othe.-s .no total failures. For sale by all druggists. Logan Second Hand ' Store atthepiescnt time Ins the Largest Assortment of Second-hand Furniture Fur-niture we have ever carried. Call and seo the stock and let us quote you prices. 24 W. 1st Street North. Phones 100. Johnson & Anderson, Proprietors THE REMWS Is a model of convenience Tho hotel olllce, 70 x 30 feet, Is tho most spacious and comfortable in tho West Twoelcvators.no climbing stairs, lio-fttrnlshcd throughout. Itootns ltige, light and clean Steam heated. I ilfATIflU Three lilorLht'asttif Pnion LUl rtllUfl. ),.IK)ti city Hall I'urkon-IKisltc I'urkon-IKisltc on llieiii'Mts (Hand dpi in House BtlJulnliiK un tln-sonllii Utaliiml'arkTIia-atru Utaliiml'arkTIia-atru neruss llio mri'ta north Tlio rlivtrlc sirc-L-t rullus from all parti, of tlio elty (.liter ut ltmloors LIIROPCAN PLAN. XWZ and u mv anls. Kxeollent (!afn In eounce Hon. Tim ttl aluu for llio money 111 thb statu of Utah. Why notcomo to the Hotel replete with every comfort when It costs no moro money V Rcetl Hold Co., Props. I" nil wpi watjifwiiwpwMwwwswawBwwMiwMWwwawawMwi i mAwmwmtmwmnmTmwmmwn j Salt Lake Route h ik nlll I ill Round Trip to Los Angeles on sale DAILY, n April 25th to May 19th; good returning I 1 July 31st, 1907. I 1 Q) J I La Fiesta I It World's Greatest Pageant will take place 1 first week in May. Ask any Utah agent or write I for information to J. H. Burtner, I 1 D. P. A., Salt Lake. I iWW 1 1 h MHiMWJ li III i i'E ii'l II I 'Mnli Mil liiiliMHIiJ wZmmm Scenic Line of the World. A Panorama o! Natural Beauty All the Way. Canyon of the Grande, Kagle River Canyon Wagon Wheel Gap, Glenwood Springs, Canyo" of the Gunnison, Garden of the Gods H Manitou Springs, The Royal Gorge. THROUGH I Pullman and Tourist Sleepers To Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. for rates, folders, free illustrated booklets, etc.. inquire of vout nearest ticket ak'ent, spec'f ine tlip ft'n r,r mri. ....route, or add i ess Q I. C. BENTON, G PA D, Salt Lake City i',itii'ii,ii,ii,ii'iAri.-.j:itAi,i.i,ii,iJ,i.'.'i.,'i.'.,.it-L."l.iV..,.'i'i. " . ?,tl?,t'?trT,?'?,rT,rV"VV'?""t?,i-''"i"?v;?r,?v?r i? ii ' We collected live thousand and $b l&- '. thirteen dollars and Ihlity-iive toge&& yv cents for Mrs. Mary Ann Ficw mIl fejtj. 5 T She lives at Syracuse, Utah, and KmfW W jii will be iilad to tell jou if jou have llW&fflM&jp '' ''-j& 4 I 'J; any bad claims lo turn them In and $&WMkf !' I ; wo will t;ct some money for you &ZQJw !is ' Merchants' Protective Association $ i SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF HONEST DEBTS. JA Fifth Floor Commercial Block, Salt Lake City. Utah X 5" FRANCIS C. LCKi:, 3cneral Mur "Some People Don't Llko ns" !tT ? T TtTtiTWTiflTi'.iTTiTr,. T?V Wr?t)t'T4T,rlT,5r'r,?TTt?T,T7('frt' ooaoeosoecodoooo8tooooceo08 I Ghicago Meal Market. is : il m dwtxk Highest Cash i &irrZ0 Price Paid for I 1 s sv&lisr PORK. I 1 ! I M$h S. P. SORENSON. Proprietor S I eoeceaocoooeoeooaoocooacooo3oaeoccoeooaoeooa AV Z Why not send The Republican to 8 that relative who has gone away? S S It costs but $2 a year in and would S In ' n bk- to him a big newsy letter. |