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Show Superior Truss Service. I Those needing trusses should remember Mini our su-k and Wi facilities arc unusual. Qj Wc carry every stylo that may be dosltrd m "mm il .1 ti, tl any " case, making a specialty of the famous C W Mi, up I v H Privacy and undisturbed attention to lining i n sm d by our j Special Fitting Room. g You arc sure of Undine the truss ou ivid, of being lined ft properly and )0u have our guarantee of perfect sunfact Inn gj """) n Wo carry crutches and an adrquuie hm-i.f i.isiic sim kings, S gj adomlnal belts, etc. Special clastic Roods okIimi-h sppcialu when n pj required and made according to careful measim mmis ( I RITER BROS DRUG CO., 1 K No. 3.1 North Main St., ,iu,AN, I'TAII 3 JH5B5a5a5H5HSa5H5a5E5H5a5a5a5B5a5EiH5g5E5H5HSH5E5lg mammmm -"i" - - nnrrrr"rin -"" p't, ttttj ririnrrY I Your Success de -fewmi& n pends Some on jST I yoir appearance. ' Pl 3 9n Rpt (Inp jifBft I OU uGl Ullc ipg nf thnw IPVH SMART, NEAT-Fitting m:'?llfH made in Chicago by l-;: f J?l."l $ff FRIEND BROS.; and a Wfp'f Pf LONG LEY Hat .... ftf Pi I For Sale by 11 M 1 E.R. Miles" M oMITHrlELD, ul pay&m s IIB III Ml I ,' LUJi !' I llll Illl Mlllll IIIIU mil l,IHU-TTatfTI II fcMAJlMLJJ3T B Folger's Golden Gate pwJSft Baking Powder I GjSffite Is composed of the following I p t ingredients and none other: WSU Pure Cream Tartar and lllli Pure Bi-carbcnnte Soda lpOT J. A. FOLQER & CO H SSShKseEGSS gan prancJsc() y If you are in the market for Go-Carts and Baby Carnages call and see the disptay m onr show window. Onr hue is better and more complete than ever before, and the lowest price guaranteed. LUNDSTROM Furniture and Cao(t Company Skanchy & Berntson Contractors and Builders Shop JH work a specialty Plans gladly fur- jB ulshed Roth phones iHJ Annual Spring Sale I CONTINUES I WEEK 1 Here are the Prices: I Utah Sugar per sack $5 70 i H 17 lbs. of Sugar for 1 00 H 12 Cans Tomatoes for 1 00 fl 12 cans Best Corn for 1 00 J Afl 10 cans Best Peas for 1 00 jfffl 3 cans Must. Sardines 25 Bfl 6 cans Oil Sardines 25 ftfj 6 pkgs. New Crop T 1 00 ! 5 packages Tree T 1 00 ' M IS lbs. Best Rice 1 00 H 10 cans of Oysters for i 00 1 M 5 lbs 25 cen Coffee 1 00 ' H 50 Kami' 1 lour for 1 00 i VJ 12 C". . of Lye for 1 00 H iH 'i G. Hayball I 53"55 WEST CENTER ST H I DANCE ,1 the JJ Providence Pavilion I Every Saturday Night H Cushioned floor, commodious HBfe hall, best In the county. vflVJ Hack leaves Harris Music Co.'s 'PI corner, Logan, at 8:45 every Satur- JfljJH day night. lOo a round trip. IflVJ :H |