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Show I he Loyan Republican M I.OOAN. CA(1I COPHTT t'TAH. H Published U) M M O O It K & T U R N K II N. RALPH MOOUE . EDITOR M FRED TURNER .... BUSINESS MGR. H Oil.clal licptibllcan Organ (if Cache M County, Utuli. H Iviueil TwIce-a-wrcW. WcdticHilar and H uturday. Entered Octoler i. 1102. at I oifan H Utah, as second-dais matter, under Art (if H Ooni'rcHof Marcli? t97C M Subscription, Payable In Advance H OUTSIDE OF LOGAN CITY, H ONE YEAR 2.00 H SIX MONTHS 1.00 H ;hrie months 75 H LOGAN, BY CARRIER. H $2.50 YEMi $1.25 SIX MONTH J 75c 3 MONTHS H NOT IN ADVANCE. ADD 50c A YEAR. 1 Want Column Typewriting If jou have anything you want typewritten telephone me your .vant?. Ucll 'phone 24 Ik. wc WAM'KD To rent good mill; cows f jr the season. Will pay good price. For particulars Inquire C. L. Anderson, Ander-son, Hjrum. wo Lost- Hetwcen Thatcher Music Store and Lincoln hotel, a brooch with opals and diamond. Heturniheic and receive reward. WANTKD At once, a good horse for delivery purposes. Logau Second-Hand Second-Hand Store. 'I'honcs ion. c For Sale -.77 acies of good land In the West Field of Logan. To be soltl In prices to suit Jthe buyer. Come early and get jour choice. Apply to Wlllalm (J i eaves, )(! West 2nd South street Logan. For i-alc Fine fresh apples, free from worms. Ind. 'phono 110 a; I). M. Campbell, Providence. Second hand typewriter for sale. Cheap. Apply Alf. LundahiratlHItcr Hros. Drug company. wc The celebrated Market Price potatoes pota-toes for sale. Last year they averaged t!7. bushels per acre. They aro most excellent for table use. Apply to Tliomau Stirland, J Providence, Hell 'phone H77.X. wo For Sale Twelvelhundtcd acres of land, a good pasture, nearly all fenced In, In Mt. Sterling precinct. Pi Ice $1,000. Clear title to all of It. Apply to Itobcrt Haxler, Ilyrum Wanted Man and wife to care of fruit farm. Knowledge of beets, haying hay-ing and Irrigation icqulrcd. Good proposition for right parties. Inquire at thlsotllcc. For Itcnt Klght-roomcd house with lot and barn; will lent all tho rooms o. part of them. Apply to 201 South First Kasti Hell phone 322v. wc Stock Wanted To pasture through ' the summer; good meadow pasture, ' water and salt; located northwest of Logan. For terms apply to T. J . Poulter, 301 North First Ka-,t. wc For Sale Lucorno and timothy hay and straw. C, Hailing, :ini, So. Main; Indepcnl 'phone .112, Hell lll'Jx. wc DON'T YOU DO IT.-lluy hind or city property until you sco tho bargains bar-gains 1 have to dispose olf. James Mllllgan, Smlthlleld, Utah. First class nnd dellvoied to any ! part of town. W. T. Ilrown, Ind-j Ind-j 'Phone 221. wc I II. .1. Hansen, Westtlold, city scavenger scaven-ger and back-yard work. Hell 'phone ,1,2, IThte Will Please! I the Ladies. i i i fl 10 DAY BARGAIN SALE 10 " j? Ladies' Spring Walking f Suits going at'15 per $ cent discount. x Silk Suits. Fine Chance at Half Price. I S Lace Curtains, 15 per Cent Off. t J Embroideries 12 Price Muslin Underwear 15 per cent Off. I ft Wash Suits. A Great & ? Bargain, at Half $ Price. it Cheap Sale on Towels, S Ladies' and Chil I dren's Hose. jg Ginghams going at 10c 2 Outing Flannels loc. 2 5 A wonderful lot of Bar i gain giving that. you should not miss. '4 Eliason Sisters 1 I Phenomenal Rug Sole! I I b g Several Hundred Rugs fe fe at Inventory Prices. fe FS In order to induce the greatest possible number of people to visit our new store and see our immense stock of Furniture and Carpets we will offer as aii introduc- Ife Nfe tory opening sale our Eutire Line of Small Rugs at INVOICE PRICES. fc j Call in, everybody, call and let us show you through our store and, incidentally, 3 g get a beautiful Rug or two at Factory Prices. AM strictly NEW Goods and of fe latest designs. J fe This Sale will be for One Day, S Monday Only, ft H April 29th. fe g fe g The Following Prices Will Prevail: lj nxmiristcr Uutfs. Velvet It litis. Smyrna Wif.s. iT Lenox 27x51 Inches, rcKUlar Kleclra, 27x(.0 Inch, uvular 'fm, '"cl1 reKular price M 00 j; price $2 23, sale price $1.25. price 8.'l .10, salo price 2 21 Salc prlcc L'00, fc. fe Recent, ,10x(i0 Inches, regular Smith's 27x51 Inch in lobular Hath UuR""'27x5Mii, tegular Ite; price, n 25, sale price $2.2.1. prlcc $2 7.1 sale price $1.7.1 price :i.00, salo price $1.75. " U2 Wilton, .1(1x5(1 Inch, regular Klcctra 3(1x72 Inch, Heular .WxCO Inch regular price M fe B price, sale prlcc $5.75. price $5, sale price $.1 50 sale price, $2.75. t A Come Early and Secure Your Choice or Patterns. Sale Begins at 7 a. m. E? fe g iiw B n U JM Kk !? Si-53 N. Main. Formerly the U. O. Store. fe i |