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Show D? PRICES WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD By recent scientific experiments, experi-ments, Dr. Price, the famous food expert, has recently produced pro-duced a Wheat Flake Celery Food, which is highly nutritious, easy of digestion, and a most delicious every day food for all classes. 4 K 10 cents a package. For sale by all Grocers ; rk : A Man of Taste and Judgment need not bo told or the excellent qualltles-age, boquct, body, etc. of the wine he's drinking If It was bought here. Ho knows full well that our cellars and shelves hold no second grado champagnes, sautcrncs, clarets, Burgundies, etc. One call here will convince you. J. R. EDWARDS LOGAN JUNK GO. Spring Is Here! Whcnjou clean house don't burn jour Hags and Carpets but bring them, with your Bottles, Uubber, Wool, Metals, Hides, Beeswax, etc. to the Logan Junk House. 146 South Main St. lnd. I'hone 337. Bell Phone 102. 1 K52as3BSBaDffl3asiS2acif3j3aE3trsay Seed 1 Qualify 3 means much to you S all the labor and ex- ! 3 pense may be wasted ? 1 if the seed is not J 1 3 right y ! Smurthwaite's i . Seeds Sprout I you and nature i 'do , the rest j 1 Our Stocks are Complete. Smurthwaite's Seed Store, Center St. f A Lazy Livor May bo only a tired liver, or a starved liver. It would bo a stupid as well ai savago thing to beat a weary or starved man because ho lagged In liU work. So In treating the lagging, torpid liver it Is a great mWtakc. to lash it with strong drustlc drugs. A torpid liver Is but an Indication of an Ill-nourished, cufecblod body wIiom) organs are weury with over work. Start with tho stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Put them In working order and seo how quickly your liver will becomo active Dr. Pierce's Bidden Medical Discovery has made many marvelous cures of "liver troublo" b) Its wonderful control of the organs of digestion and nutrition. It restores re-stores tho normal activity of tho stomach, Increases the secretions of the blood-making glands, i-Iimiisi-s the system from poisonous poi-sonous accumulations, and so relieves tho liver of tho burdens Impo-ed upon It by the defection of other organs. If j on have lilt tpr or bail taste In tliomom-ln, tliomom-ln, iMHirur arlnUln appoint', coated toiume. fuul Ineatli, lonstlpntod or lirctnilur bonclt, feel weak, ea-lh tired, ilesiKindeiit, frequent headaches, p'i'n oi dtsliessin'hiualluf back." Ciiawlus or iil-tltiieil feeluiB 111 stomach, perhaps nansia, littler ur sour "rlslnus" la lliroat lifter i ai lug. and Mmlicd symptoms of weak stomach and toipld Iher. no medicine medi-cine will ii'lleie .oii more piomptly or euro you cum M'nnanentli than Doctor Plcrco's Ouldi n Medical ll-.cocn. Perhaps only a part of the oIriic . inptoms will In) present at one ttui" and set imtni to torpid liver or biliousness and weaU Momacli. Avoid all hot blend and liisi-ults, gililillo cakes and other Inill.-i silhle food and tako tho "Golden Medical liw-ovuy " nu'ulaily and stick to Its use until joti aie Igoious nnd strcin;. Vhe "Dlseoveij" Is non-M'ciet, non-alco-liollc, Is a BlM'erle extract of native, medicinal medici-nal loots nllh a full lUt of Its Ingredients piloted on each lxittle-u rapper and attested under oath. Its Inniedlenis am endorsed and extolled liy the most eminent medical writers of the ago nnd are iccommcudcd to rum the (IKen-cs for which It Is advised Don't accept a substitute of unknown Muipodtlou for till uou-secrct mkdicikb if KNOWN l-OM'OSIUO.V. Summer Excursions. Via Colorado Midland Hallway City of Mexico, May 1 to 7 June 7 to 14 and 17 to July 11. Bound trip Still 15. Loi)(,' Limits. Eastern Excursions. Ma 'J7-30 June :t-7-12-H one fare plus JiIOO Long;, Limits, stop oveis. Other cheap rates tlurlnt; the summer. Write L H. IlarrtInK Salt Lake'Clty for full particular. The Trice of Health. "The pi Ice of health in a malailous district Is Just 25 cents; tho cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," wrilis KllaSlaylon, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse kciuIv and Impart new life and vigor to the sys tern iV. Satisfaction uuaiantecd at Hiter Bros. Drutf Co THATCH BR OPERA HOUSE 11 Monday Night, April 29. H j Messrs IVlton and Smutzer present the popular actress jj ll MISS LAURA FRANKENFIELD IH Iln the Comedy-Drama 'H "A Daughter ol Colorado.'' a n Special Section and Klcctrlcal Kffocls VH Prices 75c, 50c, 35c lB Hie Cautious Borrower exercises care I fH tiotonlj In the manner of his bonowln, but In the selection of the I IH place. The terms and conditions of our loaning; are such as to make them acceptable to all Rood borrowers tH J We arc prepared to make a laro number of LOANS, ANY SI. 10, LH f from $100 00 to $0,000 00. iH 1 The FIRST NATIONAL BANK H I LOGAN, UTAH. H tfmaaoaBaaaKaBaB9KniBBWiaiaBVJBaaani LH I Save Your Money j H By Buying From Us. J Lawn Mowers Oo0(1 v- lnc" r-K' T,1C" Kas" Nunner," 1 H extra Kood 14 Inch, worth $0 00 at $1 50. I H The Famous "Champion Hall Hearing" reduced fiom fS 00 lo $." 75. 1 H Guaranteed Garden Hose feet with couplings, I M I - -- $100 nnd up Thous- M M m ands of feet In stock. It will pay you to buy hose hcie. I H I Ice Greaitl Freezers 10O just received at prices that 1 H I will beat all competition. 9 iilH I Garden Hakes and Does from -jc: Shovels from C0c mi; A large P 'JliH 1 stock of Heel Wccdcrs on hand lCverythinyi In Tools and tlnrtlware. H BH I R, LaFount k Co., W, Center mi ill i mil i in m ii .1 i i i 1 1 in ii i ii in i 'i i Hill i i i i Hi 1 1 I ii , i ii ii n mi ii in n JBpH In the Matter of H Jewe'liy H it is generally conu'ded that wc have the inn-it iiitiactlve assoitmcut jlH i to bo seen anywhere In town Just nov vc haie an liiiusu.ill) line va- VPH Irlety of rings In the latest designs that III insure suiting any tastu J or pleasing any -fancy. BpH In the matter of watch chains, too, Ihcic Isn't any tloubt about J 'our stilting everyone's requtrenicnts Our large and varied line of BpPJ Simmons Watch and Lorgnette Chains repicM'tit the Mncsl pioductuf HJ the foremost chain nnnutacturcrs in all A nii'i let BlBJ GARDON JEWELRY 0.. Logan. Utah I gai.Mjjj ' i iiiiiimii LijiiJiLiiii,iffriT-giBssssLtL.-rJi3aa-'TyTTrnrrpiT pPH t-i.niii,iriMirniriiniTnnBirwm4ntanujmr.''.l iu', j.'A'. "ran.iajLi ir,i';ircigg PJ "Oshn" cures Coughs, Colds 5Mfev 9 Catarrh, Sore Throat, lionise- Mi ra 1 feRH ncss, Lost Voice, Headache, Had TtiriCtsSvt VA rkl Hreath, Hrouchltis, Asthma j9'VZP VJk I IH Lung Troublo, Catairh of the fc-i iV 8 rPfl Head, Throat, Lungs, Stomach, WJtnr WWi- I BIBI illowcls, KldncisaRtl Bladder """ K$$$L BBBll "Osha" Isainriucss plant ffiprt. rJiF?m which grows on the Itocky Motin 'Mylwiyr BBll tains, and Is Nature's Hemedj m10JM, fBl for the above complaints 1'ricc ll'ffVwHw BBBll 2") cents a box. Prepared by i0Wm'rWW' BBBll ., F. Petri tscli, Ps.D. lHLfy. H and for sale by all druggists W-&Tcdtd4&rf.r!'.&! H cirnirrrt7rn,iri33CggriiinaauLijiuLLUt.'j;ii.iiiinii . jzzzcss&AXznzGzazxsszxzazirsaa BBB j WHY NOT GET THE BEST? I I t f -c Wi-iflve you tlmlM'it at HAL!" wlititollii'rdoiiilMi I, ir , ii. him-w- Ik'Upvi In lUilnir BBJ 1 ,S -StfllSiS. iui woili. unU norklnir ( ir ai:ri'atir numlierof ! ni.ti uhli ' - imltliluul i-nt. ltliont g HlBj 2 jrf&jffi3lzSSm Mbblnit anjoiii-. TI'.KTII KXTKACTP-ll I'O-il ri I l. I I lim 1' I'1N. I'i.o with BBJ i WBwSj'iLw'A I'lati'i. Oil It MOTTOi Hottest work, fair dvnllnjis mahe niir success BBJ I W,r S5-5i continuous. - 1 & ' V Our prices within the icnu.'i ol everyone. t BPJ Ii l&tiWfc', k et "' Teeth tllL-st lti'U Itubbor) S7 l.ol.l 1 llllft., iiiif BJbJ I 1 irHT'i 'innftli T -- A IkkjiI N't for . it 5 hlhiraml muluuiii I ii itnu-. ..75c H YJXaWrZ's. FT4 VJ&&' ' itrlilgu Work. Ili-ht SS ('inn-lit I'llllni.- 5cf H iMffiPlfffSff 7 ',oU1 Crowns, u-,' K' $5 l'mit lain 1 iln Sift ilBBl vMw73 12 Years Protective Guarantee. VreUuS:Aol"cea.0" H ( I&&. A German Spoken. VH KB&m IHoh Hnninl On f !EEfHrtT .. H IWS'J "ll UBilTai bO. ,M0 wirHouTr wB 47 H- Ma,n s,reel' iter "Hut" iSPBJ, M 'Alm X IA 32 Centre', Provo. Utah. V HYlOC'lBMi ' b1 iMfilv & Mi- Park City Utah JkfyWBf sW WrtlUllIN n IMJhc. open until 0 p.m. Sundays 10 to 2 Sj, M DR ZIMMERMAN, MEr. Lady Allendant. Both Phones. wJtJU-'- pj - ...ra.-TeTiiif-i.iTtim i ! !- ii ii iimua M --. T "i -TMTnfnwiiiTninwiwi i iranrtiTnTTarirtinirmm'nrr" ' """ bbI r - k. litfiBBBBBBBBBl i,ii fBlBa i"i"i:iV niiiT" Tl TiViltfiVMjBBBBBBlBlBBjliMiiiJMiiiJiiiiiiPriiw |