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Show I Want to Sell 1 the following described REAL ESTATE ES-TATE within the next two or thrco weeks: ! Looan City Phopkuty. I 18x18 lods, on corner, two blocks i south of Dcseret mills. 0x12 rods, facing cast on First East street, half block north Tabernacle squaic. Eight acres, more or less, near Des-erct Des-erct mills. r fl Acukaok. h i " 100 acres, more or less, west of Lo- 1 ' gan, near the "new bridge;" fenced and llowlngwell. 5 acres In tho "opening," south side, I Logan City; fenced and (lowing well. ' 40 acres adjoining Logan, northwest; fenced and full water right tho Peacock Pea-cock Farm. 1 know tho value ot the abovo property, prop-erty, but will make prices a littlo under un-der so us to Interest investors. Write inu at once, postolllco box 701, Salt Lake City, for prices and payments. L. It. Mahtinhau. 1 Baseball Today, 330 POCATELLO YJVLGA. versus Brigham Young College, i B.Y.C, Campus. Admission 25c; Grand Stand 35c j 11MIIIHllll llllllllllllllllll11 ' laOTTnmnTTi"""' nw Hreroiw w The New Federal Building fl will bo built on tho church property H on North Main in the near future, but flj at the piescnt the best and largest BJ stock of monuments, markets and flj headstones over exhibited In Cache , 'fl county are to bo seen at tho Cucho Jflj Valley Marble yards, 175 South Main, Iflj the only place In tho valley carrying ifl granite and highest quality of inarblo .H at tho lowest prices over ofTercd to tho jfl public. Mfl |