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Show I Stake Houso Rites Unites Young Cedar Couple Miss Jeanette Rollins and S. Gordon Slack, popular students at the Cedar City High School, exchanged marriage vows in a candlelight ceremony at the Cedar Ce-dar Stake House Saturday evening. eve-ning. Jan. 14. Officiating at the ceremony was Bishop Paul Stokes of the Cedar Sixth Ward. The bride is a daughter of Mr. i and Mrs. Truman V. Rollins and the groom a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slack, all of Cedar City. Following the marriage ceremony cere-mony Mr. and Mrs. SJack were honored at a reception in the stake house. Attending the bride was Miss Marva Dawn Carter, maid of honor, and the Misses' Shirley Graff, Vlcki Taylor. Jerl Smith and Jeanette Flanigan, as bridesmaids. Standing as best man for the groom was Richard Messer. Ushers for the occasion were Jay Perkins, Frank Knell. Gavle Simkins and Larry Low-der. Low-der. Assisting at the reception were Miss Shirley Slack, Miss Jovce Crabtree and Mrs. Ralph Hulet. in charge of the gift room, and Miss Nelllne Parry, in charge of the bride's book. Serving were Mrs. Owen Gulliford, Mrs. Theon Thorlev, Miss Sandra Langford nd Miss Yvonne Bauer. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs Wl'.'lirn Painter, Mrs. James Applegate and Mrs. Ed Strubble. Following the reception the bride and groom left for a short honeymoon trip to Las Vegas, nd are now making their home in Cedar City and continuing their studies. |