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Show O'' t I ' i I MISS BETTY JO BAUER I Betty Jo Bauer Will Speak Wedding Vows Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bauer of Cedar City announce the forthcoming forth-coming marriage of their daughter, daugh-ter, Betty Jo to Noal K. Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cook of Clearfield. Wedding will be solemnized In the St. George LDS Temple on Dec. 28 by President Harold S. Snow and a reception has been planned In honor of the young couple at the Cedar LDS Instl-t Instl-t of Religion the same evening. eve-ning. Miss Bauer has attended College Col-lege of Southern Utah where she was a member of the Pi Rho Omega sorority. Active in other student affairs she edited the yearbook, at Cedar High School and at CSU as well. I She Is now attending Utah ! State University In Logan where I she is a member of the AF ROTC Sponsor Corp and majoring in business and education. Mr. Cook has attended Weber College in Ogden and served on a mission for the LDS Church in Australian. Miss Bauer will continue her education at USU. Cook is currently cur-rently employed by Sperry Rand Co. |