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Show LerleenCluff Tells Vows in December 9 Ceremony The St. George LDS Temple was the setting for the marriage of Miss Lerleen Cluff and La-Mar La-Mar Iverson Lund at a double-ring double-ring ceremony solemnized by President Harold S. Snow, Friday, Dec. 9. Following the ceremony the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Thomas Tho-mas Lund of Cedar City, was hostess at a wedding luncheon at the home of Stanley Schmutz, in St George. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cluff of St. George. They honored the newlywedded couple at a reception Friday evening eve-ning at the St. George Third Ward which was decorated In holly and polnsettias. The bride was radiant In a floor-length gown of white taffeta taffe-ta brocade, bridal rose pattern. A standout collar, long tapering lily li-ly point sleeves and a train flow-Ing flow-Ing from a double pleated Inset in back, were featurered on the gown. Her lace trimmed veil was held by a heart-shaped crown of pearls and she carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums with holly. Attending the bride were Mrs. Robert Sullivan as matron of honor, and Miss Myrna Lister, maid of honor. Debra Ann Cluff, niece of the bride, and Sharon Gurr, niece of the bridegroom, were flower girls. They all wore dresses of red taffetta with white taffeta hand muffs with red carnations and holly trim. Blaine J. Lund, brother of the bridegroom, assumed duties of best man. Greeting guests as they arrlv-ed arrlv-ed for the reception were Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Thomas Lunt, brother and sister-in-law of the bridegroom, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cluff, brother anj sister-in-law of the bride. Mrs. Cluff, mother of the bride, wore a dress of light blue late and Mrs. Lund, bridegroom's mother, mo-ther, appeared In a dress of black lace over taffeta. On the return of the newly-weds, newly-weds, now honeymooning l,t California, Cal-ifornia, they will be feted at a reception In Milford Friday, Dec. 16 In the Milford Second LDS Ward. Mr. Lunt Is a graduate of the Brigham Young University and Is now a merchant In Milford where the newiyweds will rr.jke a home. " - - . MR. AND MRS. LAMAR I. LUND |