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Show Mr. and Mrs. lack H. Carpenter Honored At Wedding Reception Saturday, April 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jack II. Carpenter were honored during a wedding reception held at the Cedar City Fourth Ward April 4. The new Mrs. Carpenter is the-former the-former Janice Robb, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Robb of Cedar City. Mr. Carpenter is the -son of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Carpenter. Carpen-ter. Wedding vows were repeated during a double ring ceremony which was performed in Las Vegas, Ve-gas, Nev., Thursday, March 19. For the Saturday evening reception, re-ception, the bride was dressed in a white satin empire-waist gown. The bodice of the dress was ac-rented ac-rented with a small strand of seed pearls which harmonized with a silk organa veil adorned At the edges with seed pearls and mock jewels. Adding interest to the bridal costume was a chattel cha-ttel train attached at the waistline. waist-line. She held a bouquet of pink baby roses. In keeping with the color theme of cherry pink and apple blossom white, the attendants wore pink, silk-print dresses -with a ; gathered affect in the back and a waist line fashion duplicating the bridal gown. Ac-cessorles Ac-cessorles worn by each of the attendants were bone colored col-ored shoes and gloves and pink and white baby roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Maxine .Naegle, Miss Sharon Thomas and Airs. Pat Forsyth. Matron of honor hon-or was Mrs. Jess Ray (Maureen) Kohb and Mrs. Richard (Verla) Cripps. Lee Carpenter, a brother of the bridegroom, stood as best man while his brother Boyd served as an usher along with Jesse Ray Robb, Lynn Robb and Randy Rosenberg. Ro-senberg. In the wedding line with the honored couple were their moth- .era. Mrs. Robb was dressed in a knit dress of eggshell color. She -wore pink and beige accessories and a pink corsage. The bridegroom's bride-groom's mother was dressed in a white knit suit with rust and beige accessories. Her corsage was also pink. Guest book attendant during the reception was Eilene Blake. In the gift room as attendants were Lucille Mills, Jo Ann Car-nenter, Car-nenter, Flossy Harris and Lois "Carpenter.., Kitchen hostesses wore Vera ; Nelson, Erma Fife, Laura Nel-adn, Nel-adn, Valda Slack and Jenny Thor-Jey. Thor-Jey. Serving were Bonl Webster, Sheila Robb, Janice De Simon land Arta Twitchell. The bride and bridegroom have both attended College of Southern South-ern Utah. Mr. Carpenter has also attended Westminster College in Salt Lake City. The newlyweds are making their home in Salt Lake City. |