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Show Jeane Eyre Weds in Stake House Ceremonies I v Miss Jeane Eyre became the bride of Robert L. Crane In rites solemnized Saturday evening, Mar. 30, in the Cedar LDS Stake House. Bishop Edwin C' Cox officiated officiat-ed at the ceremony after which a reception honored the newly, weds. The lovely bride is the dairgh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Eyre of Cedar City and parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crane of Mllford. For her wedding and reception the bride chose a gowit of white taffetta trimmed with lace Inserts In-serts embroidered with seed pearls and iridescent sequins. Her bouffant skirt was full length with chapel train. She wore a pearl tiara and carried red roses and stephonitis. Miss Sandra Condle was maid of honor. Illene Crane was Junior bridesmaid. They were gowned In ballerina length dresses in pink and white. Their flowers were pink and white carnations. Thales L. Jonson stood as best man with Cary Middleton and Bud Camp acting as ushers. The couple honeymooned In Las Vegas for a few days after which they will make their home in Cedar City. The bride is a graduate of the Cedar City High School. The bridegroom has been prominent , in athletics both at College of I Southern Utah and Utah State University at l-Tjan, where he i ' was a member of this year's bas. ketball team. He has served a '. tour of duty in the Armed forces. |