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Show L? j , t i ; " ; ' - - I A -s - "fir MM! . ' . j m MR. AND MRS. NEIL GENTRY CEDAR CITY SOCIAL SWING By Virginia Webster A seasonal get-together Wednesday Wed-nesday night united members of one of the local Pinochle groups ! who sparked their usual club ' session with bows of holly and I an atmosphere of Christmas. Hostess Itha Lindsay enjoyed I Joining with her guests to play six handed pinochle. Christmas gifts were exchanged following I the games and special prizes i were awarded to Colleen Nelson, i Karlan Nelson and Deloris Web- ster for their luck in obtaining original scores. ! The women of the 1150 neighborhood neigh-borhood enjoyed a Christmas ' party at the home of Mrs. Garth L'splin last Monday evening. Thirteen guests enjoyed sewing, exchanging gills and visiting. A surprise visit from Santa CJaus. who bestowed upon each a gift, added to the enthusiasm of the group. Volunteers of the Cedar City Fire Department were awarded with a special Christmas gift Saturday night. They enjoyed the company of their wives during dur-ing dinner hour at the Melody Lane Cafe. Following the repast the group met at the fire house for an evening of entertainment. Committee responsible tor the Yule affair were Cluff Jolley, Lee Smith and Gordon Slack. Dinner, games and a program were enjoyed by family members who met at the Dare Skougaard residence Saturday evening. Entertainment En-tertainment was provided by members of the group on hand which included Mr. and Mrs. Elmo El-mo Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Mont Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. Thelmer Stratton and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eyman. . A buffet luncheon was enjoyed by Mrs. Clyde Nelson, Mrs. J. B. Miller, Mrs. Louis Webster, Mrs. C, M. Browning and Mrs. Dudley Leavitt. These ladies were Invited Invi-ted by Mrs. Leavitt to her home for the purpose of stirring up a few memories and expressing their birthday wishes to Mrs. C. M (Carol) Browning who cele-biated cele-biated her birthday anniversary last week. Friday, Dec. 21st marked the calendar of events for Cedar City Jaycees and their wives, for this was the night the men treated their partners to a Christmas party at Milt's Stage Stop. The annual affair began early with dinner and a unique program with Eldon Webster acting as Master of Ceremonies. Eldon "Pinky" introduced Janette Slack and LaRae Gulliford who rendered ren-dered a vocal duet. This number was followed by a reading given by Jerry Cripps. Some impromptu impromp-tu remarks from members of the group completed the program. Dancing was enjoyed during the balance of the evening. Wallace Flanigan and Royce Chamberlain Chamber-lain were general chairmen for , the party. I Beta Sigma Phi sorority sisters I invited their husbands to their Christmas gathering last week. The ev-iit too'i place Thursday, Dec. 20th. Scene for the annual affair was Milt's Stage Stop. |