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Show : ' f 'f-j ' A , - .? L.A-J-rf-i-h---------- . . -I n II lAMflliMi -- MR. AND MRS. JERALD S. HAWLEY Miss Marilyn Stapley Weds Jerald Hawley The St. George L. D. S. Temple was the chosen place for the wedding ceremony which united Miss Marilyn .Stapley and Jerald S. Hawley in marriage December 21, 1962. Rites were performed by President Willord W. McAr-thur. McAr-thur. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Stapley of Cedar City. Parents of the bridegroom bride-groom are Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hawley of Monroe, Utah. Entertaining at a wedding breakfast at the Sugar Loaf Cafe for the honored couple and the wedding party were Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hawley. The evening of the wedding, a reception was held at the L.D.S. Institute of religion In Cedar City. A floor length "plum" silhouette silhou-ette gown created of white satin adorned the new Mrs. Hawley as she and others in the wedd'ng line greeted guests. The wedding gown was complete with cum-merbund cum-merbund of Aiecon lace and styled with a Sabrina neckline, long tapered sleeves and a butterfly but-terfly train. Marilyn held a bouquet bou-quet of red rosebuds. Attenling the bride were .Mrs. Jcrrold Jensen, matron of honor; Mrs. Keith Cottom. (Inyle Hawley, Haw-ley, Nellie Rae Whateott and Annette Huber as bridesmaids. They wore red, brocaded taffet-ta taffet-ta dresses and carried nosegays of white carnations and holly. Mrs. Stapley and Mrs. Hawley, mothers of the couple, chose dresses of beige wool styled In sheath fashion. Standing in as best man for the bridgroom was Don Hawley with Kent Stapley, Ronald Stapley Stap-ley and Carryle Brown as ushers. At the serving tables were Lar-ralne Lar-ralne Snow, Joyce Sherratt, Wax-1 ine Naegle and Bobbette Bauer, i Attendant at the gift tables wasj Karen Heaton. Gift Bearers wen David and Brad Stapley. Piano music during the recep tion was by Claudette Brown anc Bob Anderson. Other progran numbcrs included a vocal sol( by Herschell Nceley, a vocal trie consisting of Arvilla Day, Ads Palmer and Shirley Stratton, ac companied by Margaret Webstei and a vocal rendition by Bob An derson. Both Marilyn and Jerry wil continue their studies at Utah State University following a holi day honeymoon in Las Vegas Nevada. Marilyn is a junior anc Jerry a senior at the Logan school. Marilyn has been noted for hei rusical ability atl activity al Utah Etnte. Jera'.d has complied a mission in Nonvny, is a U.S.U. Alnha Sigma Nu Honorary Senior Fra- ternity. President of Delta Phi Kappa Fraternity and he is listed ! in Who's Who in American Col- legos of 19G2 and G3. |