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Show Carol Ann Slack Tells Dec. Wedding Vows Miss Carol Ann Slack became the bride of Douglas McKnight in rites performed at the Cedar Fifth Ward Relief Stx-iety rooms Saturday, Sat-urday, Dec. 2. The double-ring ceremony was performed by Bishop Bish-op Ray Baumgartner. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. 'Oliver Slack and Mr. and Mrs. j John McKnight are parents of I the bridegroom. All are from Cedar Ce-dar City. The pair was honored the same evening at a reception also at j the Relief Society rooms. The bride wore a full-length g.)wn of white lace with ruffles ;of tulle in front and a satin and I tulle ' underskirt. He veil, of i ' bride's illusion, fell to elbow ! lengh from a crown of lace and! jshe carried bridal bouquet of red roses and wlnte carnations. Attending the bri.Ie as matron of honor was Mrs. Hal Slack. Rridesmaids were Miss Judy Hall-man, Hall-man, Miss Barbara Murie, Miss Connie Corry and Miss Suzanne (Ireen. Matron of honor wore pink silk organza and carried a bouquet bou-quet of white carnations. Pink carnations accented the white silk organas worn by tho bridesmaids. brides-maids. Performing the duties of best man for his brother was Ken Mcknight. Mc-knight. The bride's mother chose a beige lace dress for the occasion, ard Mrs. McKnight selected a dress of pale blue embroidered taffeta. Roth wore corsages of pink and white carnations. Immediately following the reception re-ception the newlyweds left for a short honeymoon to Los Aneeles, i Calif., returning to make their home in Cedar City. Tho bride has been employed 'with the Silt Lake accounting department of the Mr. States Tel and Tel Co., after completing! comptometer and HiM schools. Mr. Me"ni"ht is a graduate of Cedar Ili'ih School and is presently pres-ently employed with the R. L. Ourrar.t Auto Parts Co. of Cedar City. I |