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Show Marilyn Atkin, Clifford Craig Wed in St. George Temple Of Interest to students at College Col-lege of Southern Utah and friends in Cedar City and Orem is the marriage of Miss Marilyn Atkins of Cedar City to Clifford B. Craig of Orem. The popular young couple, students at CSU, exchanged nuptial nup-tial vows in a double ring ceremony cere-mony performed at the St. Gcorje LDS Temple by President Harold S. Snow, Friday, Dec. 1. The new Mrs. Craig is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Atkin of Cedar City. The bridegroom bride-groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Craig of Orem. Immediately following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was given the bridal party at Dick's Cafe in St. George by Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Durrant of Cedat' City. That same evening the newly-weds newly-weds were honored guests at a reception held at the LDS Institute Insti-tute of Religion in Cedar City. For the occasion the bride wore a floor-length gown of white bridal satin with an overskirt of silk organza which featured ap-pliqued ap-pliqued roses of imported lace. A I scolloped neckline and long sleeves forming illy points over the wrist was enhanced by a veil of bride's illusion dropping to fingertip length from a crown of satin. Her bridal bouquet was of talisman rose and Lilly-of-the-Valley. Attending the bride as Maid of Honor was Miss Trudy Knell. Bridesmaids were Kathryn Cox, Judy Ashcroft and Gloria and Paula Craig, sisters of the bridegroom. bride-groom. Attendants were dressed alike In brocade satin sheaths of san-die san-die wood and they carried bouquets bou-quets of salmon colored gladioli accented with wheat. Performing the duties of best man were Curtis Lyman with Kenton Willis, Gale Hunter and Joe Gabbitos as ushers. The bride's mother chose a beige sheath and the mother of the bridegroom a dress of flowered flow-ered silk. Both wore corsages of glamelias. For her going away outfit the new Mrs. Craig chose a brown knit suit with matching hee?s and bag. Following a short honeymoon at Las Vegas, Nevada, the couple returned to Cedar City to make their home and to continue studies stu-dies at CSU. The bride is a graduate of Ce- I dar High School where she was j cheerleader, a member of the student stu-dent council and pep club. She was also active in drama. At the present time she is a freshman at CSU. Mr. Craig is a junior at CSU, studyi'ig in the field of education. educa-tion. He is a graduate of Lincoln High School at Orem where he was class president both his junior jun-ior and senior year. He has been active in sports. During the 1959-60 school year he served as co-captain for the CSU football team and was a member mem-ber of the wrestling team for two years. MR. AND MRS. CLIFFORD CRAIG |