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Show Engagement Revealed OfMissLaReeUrie To Alan"N. Garfield i : ' : MISS LAREE URIE Mr. and M,rs. Dee P. Urie, Salt Lake City and formerly of Cedar j City, announce the engagement' of their daughter, LaRee Urie, to Alan N. (Bud) Garfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Garfield of Cedar City. The romantic tidings were revealed re-vealed at a Christmas luncheon at the Ft. Donla dun Saturday. Hostess for the event was the mother of the bride-to-be. I Tables were decorated with Christmas decorations including placards announcing "LaRee and . Bud, March 16." t The couple will be married in the St. George Temple and a rc-j ception will be held that even-! in? In Cedar City. ! The brir'e-to-be has attended Brlfham Yi"n University. Unf-, versity of Utah ind is a grad-' uate of Stevens Henager College. The bridegroom is presently attending the College of South-, em Utah In Cedar City. He has filled an LDS mission to the Northwestern States. ! LoRee Is a rranddauphter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Claude Urie of( Cedar City. |