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Show r'l . , .- n ( Y:, K , .1 f i,- v ? i &A- 4f 1- A Is TJZZZZW" ' ' iTl 'AX Mt. tUU I'll to. biiiu kjsllli Ora Bleak Exchanges I Vows With Clark Bohn In Recent Rites The Fifth Ward Church In Cedar Ce-dar City was the seting Satur- iday, Dec. 17 for the marriage of Ora Bleak to Clark B. Bohn. Performing Per-forming the wedding ceremony was Bp. Ray N. Baumgartner. j The bride Is the daughter of : Mr. and Mrs. John Warren Bleak of Cedar City. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. j Ralph Bohn of Beaver. The bride was given In marriage mar-riage by her father. The bride's gown, made from bridal satin, i was full length with lace over bodice and overshirt. Matching lace edged her veil and she carried car-ried a bouquet of deep red baby roses. Attending the bride as matron of honor was LaRue Bleak, sister sis-ter -in-law of Uie bride. She wore a bei"e lace dress. Bridesmaids were Mary Burch, Gail Bulloch, Carol Lou Munford and Diane Beattv. TT.cy wore peacock blue sheath r'rrsaes and carried baby pink roses and white carnations. Janet Bohn, niece tf the bride- !g-oom. was junio bridesmaid, and sh wore a pinK satin oress , and carried pink carnations In a i small basket. i j The duties of best man were performed by James Bohn, a brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were Dee Bleak, brother of the bride; Bryce Barton, Karl Parkinson Parkin-son and Kent Burch. The bride's mother chose a beige dress for the occasion while the brldegroorn'fc mother wore a ; dress of pink lace. They both wore corsages of baby red roses (and white carnations. I A reception honored the couple .following the ceremony In the I Fifth Ward recreation hall. Music Mus-ic throughout the evening was played by Marlys Bohn, sister-in-law of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. John Bleak were at the guest .register. In charge of the gift room were Myrtle Bauer, Betty Bohn, Alice Gillies, Elva Jane Roundy and . Yvonne Parry. , Receiving the gifts at the door were NaDean Dodge and Sheila Heyborne. Assisting In the kitchen kitch-en were LaRue Heyborne, Glenna D-vlo. Ha Hallman and Mildred Maxwell. Serving were Patty Ann Hon-rle. Hon-rle. Carol Ann Slack and Judy Hallman. Reception featured a short program with Sheldon Olds as mafer of ceremonies, followed by viewing of the gifts. The new Mrs. Bohn is a grad-mtn grad-mtn of Cedar High School and CMIge of Southern Utah. Mr. Rihn Is a rraduate of the Beaver Hi"h School. j Following a honeymoon the icouple have returned to make a home In Cedar City. j |