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Show I Km, ' t I;-.o.i . ;A fet?..; A- 1 MR. AND MRS. ROWLAND BARTON YARDLEY Nuptial Vows Unite Rollins and Yardley In a double ring wedding ceremony cere-mony which was solemnized In the St George LDS Temple on April 18, Miss Mary Linda Rollins Rol-lins of Parowan became the brie! of Rowland Barton Yardley. Temple Tem-ple President Rudger C. Atkin officiated In the ceremony In the presence of members of both families. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen A (Bill) Rollins of Parowan and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Yardey of Beaver. That same evening the newly-weds newly-weds were honored at a reception held in the Parowan Third Ward Recreation Hall. For the occasion the bride wore a full length model mo-del of Peau de Sole trimmed with lace and sequins. Her bouffant veil was secured to a dainty crown of pearls and rhlnestones, and she carried a bouquet of orchids or-chids and white roses. Attendants of the bride Included Includ-ed two sisters, Mrs. Bill Barton as matron of honor and Miss April Rollins, maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Vickl Lee Barton, Bar-ton, Connie Fugal, Sandra Decker, Deck-er, Mary Kay Evans, Mrs. Ned Palmer and Eudora Yardley, the latter a sister of the bridegroom Petite Debra Jill Barton and Sher-Kay Sher-Kay Lund were flower girls. All were dressed In orchid polished cotton dresses with white accessories acces-sories and carried white and orchid or-chid camelias. The flower gills caried white baskets of orchid flowers. Cliff Yardley, brother of the bridegroom stood as best men. Ushers were Garen Vowles, Jerry Ward, James Guymon, Lance Chase, Ken Batson, Noal Robinson, Robin-son, Michael Pratt, Richard Joseph. Jo-seph. For the reception the mother of the bride wore a blue silk knit dress, and the mother of the bridegroom wore a green brocade sheath and both wore corsages of white camelias. To leave on her honeymoon trip to Las Vegas, the bride wore a white brocade sheath with red accessories. Officiating at the guest register regis-ter were Mrs. Robin Lamoreaux and Miss Pamela Mitchell. Mrs. Heber Lund was In charge of gift room with Miss Penny Robb and Miss Linda Ann Stubbs assisting. Mrs. Wanda Cox was In charge of refreshments with the help of Miss Garna Decker, Mrs. Frank Decker, Mrs. Frank Slack, Mrs. Robinson. Serving were the Misses Miss-es Mary Kay Matheson, Mickie Rae Macfarlane, Vickl Ann Miller, Mil-ler, Phyllis Brown, Charlene Burton Bur-ton and Bonnie Jensen. Gift bearers bear-ers were Kerry Mac Matheson and Lawrence Burton. Mrs. D Robinson furnished music mu-sic while the couple greeted the guests, and Max S. Dalley was master of ceremonies for a program, pro-gram, which was followed by dancing. The bride Is a graduate of the Parowan High School and the bridegroom a graduate of the Beaver High School. He has fulfilled ful-filled a mission for the L D S Church In Texas and Is presently present-ly employed at a mining company com-pany at Milford. Ellis Carter and Miss Sandra |