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Show '" "' "i iiiii. iiiii .. r ,f : " i . II MISS MARGO ANN LEWIS Engagement cf Lewis And Stratton Announced by Parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Condic of Hurricane announce the engagement engage-ment of their daughter, Margo Ann Lewis to LaWayne Stratton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Stratton Strat-ton of Cedar City. The prospective bride fradu-ated fradu-ated from Hurricane High School and attended College of Southern Utah as a business major. She is currently employed at the State Road Commission office in Cedar. Mr. Strattoii graduated from Cedar High and attended CSU. He has fulfilled a mission for tlie LDS Church and is currently cur-rently cmploved at Rice Machine Shop. The young couple plan a June wedding and plan to make their home in Cedar City. |