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Show . A v v ; I MR. AND MRS. PHIL BENSON " Open House Slated For Phillip Bensons I The children of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Benson, are making preparations prep-arations to honor their parents on their 50th wedding anniversary anniver-sary on Thursday, Deo. 27, 1902 with a program and ion house jat the Old Rock Church, j Mr. and Mrs. Benson, lifelong residents of Parowan, were married mar-ried Dec. 27, 1912. They are the parents of seven children, 22 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. great-grandchildren. The wns and daughters are as follows: Phyllis Lloyd and Mary Susan Su-san Benson, Henucrson, Nev.; Nathan M. Benson, Kearns, Utah; Simon K. Benson, Provo; John V. Benson, Payson; Barbara Burt and LuNeity Benson of Parowan. Phillip Benson was born Sept. 1. 1SSG to John aid Mary Uric K. Benson. Clara M. Benson was born May 12, 1S91 to Simon A. and Susan Gurr Matheson, prominent prom-inent resident of this community.. communi-ty.. In honor of the occasion a family fam-ily dinner will be served at noon on Thursday in the Old Rook Church. Then from 4: :00 to 8:0) p. m. that day an open house will be held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Benson and the family extends ex-tends an inviation to all relatives and friends to call, and request that no gifts be brought. Mr. Benson has been a farmer farm-er and livestock man most of his life and was prominent as a member of sheep shearing crews in the mountain states area in past years. He was also an active ac-tive sportsman and long tirif member of the Parowan Gun and Rod Club. Mrs. Benson has been active in community and church affairs especially In the DL'P organization!. organiza-tion!. She has served as the attendant at-tendant at the tourist Information Informa-tion booth during the summei since it was established, anc also active In fostering the re novation of the Old Rock Churcl and the Pioneer Museum whlcr now occupies that building. |