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Show i '4 :". ... i.' f 1 ... I Hi ' Miilm ill a i niilMJiini..illi I II I M vWGJ VOWS. Thi popular Cedar City couple ex-'haned ex-'haned marriage vows Thursday, Dec. 27. The bride is the former Miss Valerie Ann Leigh, the bridegroom Ronald Ron-ald F. Harding.. Valorie Ann Leigh Becomes Bride 1 In Institute Ceremony A wedding ceremony Thurs- ' Valerie Ann Leigh and Ronald , Institute united In marriage miss day, Dec. 27 In the Cedar LDS F. Harding. j' I Parents of the bride are Mr. , and Mrs. Harry B. Leigh. Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Harding are parents par-ents of the benedict. j Bishop Edwin C. Cox officiated at the nuptials. j The bride, given in marriage j by her father, was lovely in a gown of white 6atln with an oversklrt of alecencon lace, her waist length veil was attached to a cap of orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of pink roses. Maid of honor was Miss Mary Ellen Mathews. Bridesmaids were Margo H.".r4iT. 1'ist-r of the groom, Jear"? Go -er. M 'V-vonna 'V-vonna Tarry, and Carol Sr.gue. and curled nosegays of white and pink carnations. Barbara and Marsha Leigh sisters of the bride were flower I girls. Alan Hartcr was best man. Gerald Matheson, Dan Dix. Roland Rol-and Palmer and Don Ashcroft were ushers. After the ceremony a reception recep-tion was held In the Institute The couple spent their honey, moon In Las Vegas after which they will make their home In Salt Lake City where the groom Is attending the University ol Utah. Out-of-town guests were A' nes Ahlstrom, Salt Lake City, "undmAther of the bride: Mrs. Hazel Harding, Mr. and Mr-V. Mr-V. C. Robert, grandparent ol the eroom: Mr. and Mrs. Blaii Hardin, uncle and aunt, al from Salt I.ake City; Miss Janl' Anderson, Las Vegas. |