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Show - ' 1 , .... ' . I i I -y ! i :; -i- 1- ; ! MR. AND MRS. PAT GOBLE Pat Noble, Linda Bryant Say Wedding Vows Mr. and Mrs. Pat Goble were honored at a reception Satur- I day In the Third Ward Relief ! Society Rooms, following f.ieir i marriage on Nov. 6. i The bride is the former Miss Linda Bryant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bryant, and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Goble. For the reception the bride wore a beautiful lace and satin wedding gown with a bouquet of white orchid and coral carnations. carna-tions. Attending the bride were matron ma-tron of honor, the bride's sister Mrs. Dawna Isom, and bridesmaids brides-maids Miss Carol Slack, Miss May Dean Rosenberg, Miss Pat Farnbam, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Dianne Bryant. Flower girls v t"i? :.r V' - tv'-. :' crz !v trlcia and Pamela Bryant, and a niece of the bridegroom, LuAnn' Bentley. The matron of honor and the bridesmaids wore coral sheath dresses, and the flower girls were dressed in white with coral sashes. Standing as best man was Ken Dennis, who was norm on leave from the Navy. Welcoming the many guests, besides the bride and groom, best man and attendants, were parents par-ents of the cm pie. Music for the occasion included guitar music by Eddie Carelocker end T.alph Paddrx-k, piano music mu-sic by Miss Jeannine Bauer, and vocal numbers by Judy Ann Hall-man Hall-man and Martha Roberts. I |