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Show f:;'V MR. AND MRS. RONALD WAYNE WORTHEN New Sorority Officers Installed in Rites Impressive candlelight ceremonies ceremo-nies were held Monday, May 10th at the home of Leta Cowley for the purpose of installing nrw Phi Sigma Alpha officers. The symbolic vows were spoken by Alton Hartman, Claudia Mac-farlane, Mac-farlane, Eula Gardner, Ora Smith and Mamie Eck as they were officially of-ficially made president, vice president, secretary and treasur-, er, extension officer and program coordinator, respectively. Conduc-) ting the ceremony was out-going president, Marilee Connell. White and blue corsages were presented to each new officer and club members favored two past presidents, presi-dents, Marilee and Mary Urie with gifts. Following the installation rites, the ladles heard a timely report presented by Lawrence Maxwell on his recent stay in Russia. Mr. Maxwell, supervisor service foreman fore-man of the Mountain States Tele phone Company, showed slides and told of Russian customs which he had observed on his trip for the Telephone Company. Joining the sorority sisters as a guest was Barbara Maxwell. |