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Show Maude Munford Weds Serviceman in Quiet Home Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Munford Mun-ford announced this week the mai-nago of their daughter, Maude, to LeRoy James Peters. The double-ring ceremony, performed per-formed by Bishop James Hey-wood, Hey-wood, was held Friday, April 2, at the home of William Munford. Attending the bride and groom at the quiet home ceremony was Ronda Waler, Salt Lake City, as bridesmaid, and William Munford Mun-ford as best man. A small group of friends and relatives were in attendance. Friday evening between 8 and 10 p. m. the couple was honored by friends and relatives at a reception re-ception held at the Wm. Munford residence. j The new Mrs. Peters has been employed at the Dugway Proving 'Grounds in west central Utah and Mr. Peters, a member of the armed forces, has been stationed , at the same place, j Following an extended honey-; honey-; moon trip into Nevada and Arizona Arizo-na the couple will return to Dugway Dug-way to make a temporary home. Mr. Peters is a native of Ohio and has served for several years with the U. S. Army. |