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Show i Uldene Adams Recites Vows in j Candlelight Ceremony I A beautiful candlelight wedding wed-ding ceremony united Uldene I Adams and Harold Arnold Norton Nor-ton in wedlock Saturday, July 26 in the L D S Institute in Cedar City. Bishop James Heywood officiated of-ficiated at the double-ring nuptial nup-tial exchange. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Adams, Jr., announced the marriage mar-riage of their daughter. Mr. Norton Nor-ton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Norton of Springville. The bride wore a stunning gown of French imported lace with nylon tulle which was delicately deli-cately jeweled with sequins and pearls. Her veil, a bride's illusion, was of fingertip length and was caught by a crown of seed pearls. Her bouquet was of stephonitis and white roses centered with a white orchid. Assisting at the wedding ceremony cere-mony was Mrs. Gary Adams as matron of honor, and Mrs. Gayle Adams and Miss Freeda Norton as bridesmaids. The young Misses Miss-es Alona Adams and Marsha Hu-let Hu-let were flower girls. Frank L. I ley wood stood as best man. Ushers Ush-ers were Eugene Justet, and brothers bro-thers of the bride, Gayle and Gary Adams. Buffot Supper Served A delightful buffet supper of ! baked ham and turkey was served in the Cedar First Ward for a few close friends and relatives rela-tives following the nuptial exchange. ex-change. Serving at the supper were Mrs. Ella Adams, Mrs. Ralph Adams ( and Mrs. Lola Logan. Miss Susan ; Adams was in charge of the! guest book. I Mr. Norton is a student at the Brigham Young University and has served a two-year tour of dutv with the United States Army with the military police corps. The new Mrs. Norton is a graduate grad-uate of the College of Southern Utah where she was affiliated with the Phi Alpha Beta sorority and was prominent in many extra ex-tra curricular activities. She is also a graduate of the Utah State Agricultural College where she was a membe - of the Chi Omega sorority. Both are employed by the Utah Parks Company for the summer months. The will return to Pro-vo Pro-vo in the fall while Mr. Norton continues his studies at B Y U, and Mrs. Norton has accepted employment with the elementary schools there. She taught in the Granite district in Salt Lake City last year. |