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Show Miss Artis Kleinman Reveals July Wedding Plans Mr. and Mrs. George Kleinman of Toquerville have announced the approaching marriage of their daughter Artis to Lt. James A. Watson, son of Mrs. Tlatt Watson Wat-son of Cedar City. The marriage ceremony will be performed in the St. George temple on Tuesday, Tues-day, July 6. Miss Kleinman and Mr. Watson Wat-son are graduates of the College of Southern Utah where they were both active in extra cur-ricular cur-ricular affairs. Miss Kleinman, who graduated graduat-ed from the Hurricane High School, completed her work at C S U this spring. She was active ac-tive in student affairs, and was affiliated with the Phi Alpha Beta Be-ta sorority, serving as vice president presi-dent of the organization during the past year. She also served as secretary and treasurer of the freshman class. Since her gradu- ation she has ben employed in Cedar City. J Lt. Watson was a prominent I music student and athlete at Cedar City High and continued to be active in student affairs while attending the College of Southern Utah, where he was af i filiated with the Gamma Psi Up-silon Up-silon fraternity. He graduated in 1951. In 1953 he graduated from the University of Utah with a business bus-iness management major. He was affiliated with Kappa Sigma fraternity fra-ternity at the U. A member of the ROT C he was a distinguished disting-uished military graduate, and was commissioned a second lieutenant. lieu-tenant. He has been in training with the Air Force for several months, graduating from supply school at Fort F. E. Warren, at Cheyenne, Wyo. He has now been transferred to March Air Field, Riverside, Calif., where he will report on July 13, to begin service as supply officer. Following the wedding ceremony cere-mony July 6, the young couple will be honored at an evening reception re-ception in the Toquerville recreation rec-reation hall, after which they will leave on a honeymoon trip to southern California, where they will visit until Lt. Watson reports for duty. |