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Show Joye Webster Weds R. D.Peterson In Home Ceremony Joye Webster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilforu U. Webster, was marrjed Wednesday to Robert D. Teterson, U. S. Air Force, in ceremonies cere-monies at the home of the bride's parents. Vows were read by David L. Sargent, former president pres-ident of the Cedar L D S stake. Following their marriage the young couple was honored at a reception held at Cedar Second L. D S ward. In the reception line were Mr. and Mrs. Webster. Web-ster. Mrs. Eva Peterson, mother cf the bridegroom; LeRay Low-cry, Low-cry, best man; Mrs. Theon Jepp-son, Jepp-son, sister of the bride, matron of honor, and Janet Petersen, sister of the bridegroom, and Fran Fullmer, bridesmaids. Music was furnished by friends of the bride from Branch Agricultural college, where Mrs. Peterson is a teacher in home economics. The same group, Mrs. Floyd Munson, Janet Jones, Mar-Won Mar-Won Smith, Audrey Dotson, Marfan Mar-fan Dwkrr and Jeannine Lunt, also assisted with the refreshments. refresh-ments. Marjorie Webster, Mrs. Ted Gledhill and Emma Lou Warren assisted in the gift room, while Mary Webster looked after the bride's book. Vocal solos were given by Theon Thorley and Howard Wood. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Parson U. Web- ster and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood assisted in preparations for the reception. Decorations were arranged with a Christmas theme in blue, silver and white. Mrs. Parson U. Webster was in charge. Following the honeymoon the groom will return to his air base in Louisiana lor re-assignment. The new Mrs. Peterson will continue teaching at BAC. |