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Show August Wedding Anonunced for Bentley, Kearns Friday, Aug. 1 is the date set for the marriage of LueJean Bentley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bentley, and Donovan H. Kearns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kearns. Setting for the August affair will be the home of the bride's parents at 336 South 300 West, with the time set at 7 p. m. Attending the wedding ceremony cere-mony to be conducted by Bishop Bish-op Vernee Frame, will be relatives rela-tives and the immediate families of the young Cedar City couple. Attending the bride will be Mrs. Jeanna Hirschl, sister of the groom, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids will be Donna Gei- ger Jean Beal and Doris Mac-farlane. Mac-farlane. Little Corris Marie Mueller Muel-ler will be the flower girl for the nuptial occasion. Dan Corry, close friend of the groom will attend as best man. Honeymoon plans for the couple cou-ple are set for September, but immediately following the wedding wed-ding the newlyweds will travel south over the week end. Both bride and groom have employment in Cedar City and plan to make a home here. |