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Show MaryMcConnell Is Bride in Candlelight Ceremony In a beautiful candlelight ceremony cere-mony on Saturday, July 25, at the Cedar L D S Institute of Religion, Re-ligion, marriage vows were exchanged ex-changed by Miss Mary McCon- jnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. !H. H McConncll of Cedar City, and. Bcyd Bud Fullmer, son of :Mr. and" Mrs. Joseph Fullmer of Delta. Bishop Adam C. Seegmil-ler Seegmil-ler officiated at the double ring ceremony. Music was furnished , by Mis. Gustive O. Larson. The bride, given in marriage 'by her father, was lovely in a gown of chantilly lace over white organdy with sweetheart neckline neck-line and rolled Elizabethean collar. col-lar. Her fingertip veil fell from a Juliet cap of white net. She carried a white orchid surrounded surround-ed by pale pink gladioli. Mrs. Fred Leigh, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Miss Nadine Ta it was maid of honor and the Misses Sharon Givan, Barbara Smith, Janice Gardner and Darlene Fullmer, sister of the groom, were bridesmaids. Lo-na Lo-na McConnell and Patricia Smith were 1 lower girls. Perioiming the duties of best man was Ken Frost. Eldon Fullmer Full-mer ana Parties Bawlden, brother and brother-in-law of the groom, acted as ushers. A reception was held in the Cedar Second ward Relief Society So-ciety rooms. A short program was presei.ted with Cleo Petty as master of ceremonies. Serving were the Misses Jerry Thorley, Kae Watson, Marann Bradshaw, and Marilyn Smith. Mrs, Beverly Bawlden and Mrs. Gennene Watson Wat-son weie in the gift room. Out-of-town guests present for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Fullmer and daughter Darlene of Delta, Mr. and Mrs. James Bawlden of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Christensen of Delta, and Mrs. Kent Smith and children of Tenday, Idaho. After a short honeymoon, the couple plans to make a home in Cedar City. Mr. Fullmer, who has been prominent in athletics at the College of Southern Utah, plans to enter the college again in the fall. The bride is a student stu-dent of the Cedar high school. |