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Show Barbara Ann Muniord Becomes Bride Of Keith D. Benson Tresidcnt Harold S. Snow of the St. George temple officiated at a wedding ceremony on Saturday, Sat-urday, May 14, which united Barbara Anne Munford of Cedar. Ce-dar. City and Keith Decker Benson Ben-son of Parowan in the bonds of matrimony. The ceremony, performed at the St. George temple, was witnessed wit-nessed by parents of both bride and groom, grandparents of the bride and a sister of the bride. The new Mrs. Benson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Munford of Cedar City and Benson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Benson of Parowan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Munford Mun-ford of Cedar City and Mr. and Mrs. George S. Rowley, Parowan, are the grandparents of the bride and Helen Munford was another member of the wedding party. Also accompanying the couple to the temple were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowley of Cedar City and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Evans of Parowan. Saturday evening the voung couple received many friends and relatives at a reception held at the L. D. S. Institute of Religion, In their honor. Assisting the bride throughout the evening was Mrs. Clesson Bauer of Price as Matron of Honor Hon-or and Laurel Lunt. Geo Esplin, I.uree Condie and Marian Munford Mun-ford as bridesmaids. Standing as best man for the occasion was Wavne Benson, brother of the bridegroom. Following the reception the voung couple left for a short honeymoon trip to Zion National Park and they will return to Cedar Ce-dar Citv to make their home for the summer. Next fall they both plan on enterine the Utah State Agricultural College at Logan. Barbara Is a graduate of the Cedar Citv High School and the College of Southern ITtah. She 1 was affliated with the Phi Alnha Beta sororitv, the Bacea Club, and was active in dramatics. Benson is a graduate of the Parowan high school and CSU. He has served a tour of duty with the United Staates Army, serving serv-ing an overseas assignment in England. |