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Show Reception Honors Young Bridal Couple A wedding reception Saturday, I July 12, was held in Orderville at the high school gymnasium honoring Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Hey. borne, who were married in tfte St. George Temple Wednesday, July 9. A bank of summer flowers was the setting lor the receiving line. In the receiving line, attending at-tending the bride and groom, were the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande C. Heaton; parents par-ents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Heyborne; grandparents of the bride, maternal grandmother, grand-mother, Lovian Heaton; paternal grandfather, Joseph Jorgensen, and Mrs. Jorgenson. Standing as best man was a brother of the bride, LeGrand J. Heaton, and Miss Marilyn Tait as maid of honor. Bridesmaids, attired in lovely dresses of pastel shades were: Shirley Paice of Beaver, Juanita Chamberlain of Orderville, and Carmen Rose of Delta. Petite in their gowns of blue were Eleanor Heaton, sister of the bride, and LaJuana Leigh, neice of the groom, attending as flower girls. The bride was radiant in her ballerina length gown of imported im-ported French embroidered Tulle over white taffeta, fashioned with a scalloped neckline, dainty dain-ty close fitting bodice and lily point sleeves, and a lace tiara of imported bridal illusion. The bridal bouquet was made up of gladioli in-pastel shades. A highly entertaining program, consisting of musical number and a few remarks was given during the evening. |