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Show Temple Marriage Unites Cedar City Couple President Harold S. Snow of the St. George L. D. S. Temple officiated offi-ciated at a double-ring ceremony that united Lloyd Crawford and Vcrla Berry in marriage, Dec. 17. Both the young bride and groom are Cedar City residents, the new Mrs. Crawford being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Berry and the grom a son of Mr. and M.s. Lloyd L. Crawford. The following day at the Foui th Ward Relief Society rooms the couple was honored at a reception re-ception fiom 8 to 10 p. m. Assisting Assist-ing the lovely bride, who wore a white satin gown of floor length with a fingertip veil, was her sister, Lola Berry, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids for the occasion oc-casion were Norma DeMllle and Karen Slack. Forrest Demille acted act-ed best man. The new bride is a senior student stu-dent at the Cedar City high school and plans to continue her studies until graduation next spring. Mr. Crawford is a graduate grad-uate of the high school. He is presently employed in Cedar City at the Jones-Crawford Motor Co. The young couple plan to make a home in Cedar City. |