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Show Lawrences to Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence, Law-rence, residents of Cedar City for the past 45 years, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary with open house at their home on "Floral Hill," 26 South COO East Street Sunday, April 25. They invite in-vite their friends to call from 2 to 8 p. m. on that day. Their wedding anniversary will actually be Monday, April 26. However, they will receive their friends at open house Sunday in order to make it more convenient conven-ient for the quests to call. They were married in Salt Lake City by President Joseph F. Smith, on April 26, 1904, and for the first five years of their married life ' they resided in Salt Lake City and Erda, Tooele County, before moving to Cedar City where they have resided s.'nce. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence have devoted their time to the growing of flowers' and shrubs, and in recent years they have become interested in collecting rock and mineral specimens spe-cimens from a wide area of the west. They are both charter members of the Cedar City Rock Club. Both are active members of the To Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary , 1','. v 1 i ' - , ( I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawrence who will observe their Golden Wedding Anniversary this week. They will celebrate cele-brate with open house at their home Sunday, April 25. S L D S church. Mr. Lawrence filled jan L D S mission to the South-'cm South-'cm States, and has been active in the ward program for many years. Twelve children were born to them, 10 of whom are living, and all of whom are expected to be here for the golden wedding anniversary an-niversary occasion. They include, Earl, James, Thomas Jr., Ernest and Fred Lawrence, Mrs. Pearl Stapley, Mrs. Barbara Bauer and Mrs. Bess Fitzinger, all of Cedar City; David Lawrence, North IIol-lvwood, IIol-lvwood, Calif., and Mrs. Ruth ! Gifford, Las Vegas, Nev. They also have 32 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. |