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Show Temple Ceremony Unites Couple; Reception Held Joan Dover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dover of Cedar City, and Robert H. Skinner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Skinner of Beaver, exchanged marriage vows in the St. George LDS temple tem-ple Friday, Dec. 19. President Harold Snow officiated. Accompanying the young couple cou-ple through the temple were members of their immediate families, and also the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Dover; Mrs. Taylor Farnsworth of Beaver, Bea-ver, Mrs. Bessie Dover, Dick Dover Do-ver and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Bradshaw Brad-shaw of Cedar City, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dover of Ogden. The couple was honored at a reception in the Cedar City LDS Institute of Religion Friday evening. eve-ning. Best man was Jim Bohn of Beaver, with Miss Geraldine Dover, Do-ver, sister of the bride as maid of honor, and the Misses Marie Dover, Diana Nelson and Cleo Esplin as bridesmaids. In charge of the serving table were Mrs. Don Draper, Mrs. Hunter Hunt-er Nelson, Mrs. Carl Harrison and Mrs. Florence Cardon. Serving were Miss Laurel Lunt, Mrs. Ronald Green and Mrs. Ted Jol-ley. Jol-ley. In charge of the gift room were the misses Patsy Lampman, Karen Froyd and Barbara Mun- ford. Musical numbers at the reception re-ception included accordion solos by Mrs. Bessie Dover, and Master Boyd Dover, and vocal numbers by the American Legion auxiliary auxil-iary trio composed of Mrs. Luana Riddle, Mrs. Naida Gardner and Mrs. Gladys Isom; a ladies trio composed of the Misses Ranee Halversen. LaRae Stapley and Yvonnel Fife, and vocal solos by-Miss by-Miss Christine Houchen and Otto Dover. The bride was entertained during dur-ing the week preceding her marriage mar-riage at a kitchen shower given by Miss Karen Froyd, and at a personal shower given by Miss Patsy Lampman. The bride graduated from the Cedar City high school in May, 1952, and has been attending the Branch Agricultural college during dur-ing the present school year, where she was affiliated with the Phi Alpha Beta sorority. The groom, following his grad nattnri from tViA Rpavpr hicY school, entered military service with the Southern Utah National Guard, the 213th Armored Field Artillery Battalion, and served at the front in Korea during 1951. Since his return from overseas duty he has been employed at the Arden Sunfreze dairy in Cedar Ce-dar City. Following the reception Friday evening the young coupe left on a honeymoon trip to Los Angeles after which they will make their ( home in Cedar City. |