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Show Temple Rites Unite Cedar City Girl find Richfield Boy Mr. and Mrs. Theron Ashcroft of Cedar City announce the marriage mar-riage of their daughter, Peggy Marie, to Mr. Richard Harold "Hal" Hansen, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hansen of Richfield. Rich-field. The marriage ceremony was performed in the Manti LDS temple on Friday, Dec. 19. They were accompanied to the temple by the bride's parents. The groom is an engineering student at the Branch Agricultural Agricultur-al college and holds the rank of Lt. Col. in the Air Force R O T C unit on the campus. He graduated graduat-ed from the Richfield high school and has been in attendance attend-ance at the B A C for the past three winters. He was assistant city engineer1 prior to the resignation resig-nation of engineer Lloyd Grames, and has been in charge of City engineering since. The bride is a student at the Cedar City high school where she has been active in student body affairs. The young couple was honored at a reception at the home of the bride's parents Monday evening and then left for a short honeymoon honey-moon trip to northern Utah. Best man was Harl Judd of Kanab, with Miss Ann Ashcroft, sister of the bride as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Kay Judy Ashcroft, sisters of the bride, and Sue Hansen, sister- of the groom. Little Susan Ashcroft was flower girl. The Misses Bonnie Murdock Gayle Knell were in charge of the gift room. Serving were the Misses Janet Wasden and Thel-ma Thel-ma Davis. In charge of the dining din-ing room were Mrs. J. Clive Davis and Mrs. M. A. Cowley, and in charge of serving was Mrs. A. W. Stephenson. The bride's gown was of white satin and the bridesmaids each wore a different shade of blue. The reception rooms were decorated decor-ated in a Christmas theme in white, silver and blue. The young couple will make their home in Cedar City and continue their studies until the end of the spring quarter. |